package Mojolicious::Static; use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::Asset::File; use Mojo::Asset::Memory; use Mojo::Date; use Mojo::File qw(curfile path); use Mojo::Loader qw(data_section file_is_binary); use Mojo::Util qw(encode md5_sum trim); # Bundled files my $PUBLIC = curfile->sibling('resources', 'public'); my %EXTRA = $PUBLIC->list_tree->map(sub { join('/', @{$_->to_rel($PUBLIC)}), $_->realpath->to_string })->each; has classes => sub { ['main'] }; has extra => sub { +{%EXTRA} }; has paths => sub { [] }; sub dispatch { my ($self, $c) = @_; # Method (GET or HEAD) my $req = $c->req; my $method = $req->method; return undef unless $method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD'; # Canonical path my $stash = $c->stash; my $path = $req->url->path; $path = $stash->{path} ? $path->new($stash->{path}) : $path->clone; return undef unless my @parts = @{$path->canonicalize->parts}; # Serve static file and prevent path traversal my $canon_path = join '/', @parts; return undef if $canon_path =~ /^\.\.\/|\\/ || !$self->serve($c, $canon_path); $stash->{'mojo.static'} = 1; return !!$c->rendered; } sub file { my ($self, $rel) = @_; # Search all paths my @parts = split /\//, $rel; for my $path (@{$self->paths}) { next unless my $asset = _get_file(path($path, @parts)->to_string); return $asset; } # Search DATA if (my $asset = $self->_get_data_file($rel)) { return $asset } # Search extra files my $extra = $self->extra; return exists $extra->{$rel} ? _get_file($extra->{$rel}) : undef; } sub is_fresh { my ($self, $c, $options) = @_; my $res_headers = $c->res->headers; my ($last, $etag) = @$options{qw(last_modified etag)}; $res_headers->last_modified(Mojo::Date->new($last)->to_string) if $last; $res_headers->etag($etag = ($etag =~ m!^W/"! ? $etag : qq{"$etag"})) if $etag; # Unconditional my $req_headers = $c->req->headers; my $match = $req_headers->if_none_match; return undef unless (my $since = $req_headers->if_modified_since) || $match; # If-None-Match $etag //= $res_headers->etag // ''; return undef if $match && !grep { $_ eq $etag || "W/$_" eq $etag } map { trim($_) } split /,/, $match; # If-Modified-Since return !!$match unless ($last //= $res_headers->last_modified) && $since; return _epoch($last) <= (_epoch($since) // 0); } sub serve { my ($self, $c, $rel) = @_; return undef unless my $asset = $self->file($rel); $c->app->types->content_type($c, {file => $rel}); return !!$self->serve_asset($c, $asset); } sub serve_asset { my ($self, $c, $asset) = @_; # Content-Type $c->app->types->content_type($c, {file => $asset->path}) if $asset->is_file; # Last-Modified and ETag my $res = $c->res; $res->code(200)->headers->accept_ranges('bytes'); my $mtime = $asset->mtime; my $options = {etag => md5_sum($mtime), last_modified => $mtime}; return $res->code(304) if $self->is_fresh($c, $options); # Range return $res->content->asset($asset) unless my $range = $c->req->headers->range; # Not satisfiable return $res->code(416) unless my $size = $asset->size; return $res->code(416) unless $range =~ /^bytes=(\d+)?-(\d+)?/; my ($start, $end) = ($1 // 0, defined $2 && $2 < $size ? $2 : $size - 1); return $res->code(416) if $start > $end; # Satisfiable $res->code(206)->headers->content_length($end - $start + 1)->content_range("bytes $start-$end/$size"); return $res->content->asset($asset->start_range($start)->end_range($end)); } sub warmup { my $self = shift; my $index = $self->{index} = {}; for my $class (reverse @{$self->classes}) { $index->{$_} = $class for keys %{data_section $class} } } sub _epoch { Mojo::Date->new(shift)->epoch } sub _get_data_file { my ($self, $rel) = @_; # Protect files without extensions and templates with two extensions return undef if $rel !~ /\.\w+$/ || $rel =~ /\.\w+\.\w+$/; $self->warmup unless $self->{index}; # Find file my @args = ($self->{index}{$rel}, $rel); return undef unless defined(my $data = data_section(@args)); return Mojo::Asset::Memory->new->add_chunk(file_is_binary(@args) ? $data : encode 'UTF-8', $data); } sub _get_file { my $path = shift; no warnings 'newline'; return -f $path && -r _ ? Mojo::Asset::File->new(path => $path) : undef; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Static - Serve static files =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Static; my $static = Mojolicious::Static->new; push @{$static->classes}, 'MyApp::Controller::Foo'; push @{$static->paths}, '/home/sri/public'; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Static> is a static file server with C<Range>, C<If-Modified-Since> and C<If-None-Match> support, based on L<RFC 7232|> and L<RFC 7233|>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojolicious::Static> implements the following attributes. =head2 classes my $classes = $static->classes; $static = $static->classes(['main']); Classes to use for finding files in C<DATA> sections with L<Mojo::Loader>, first one has the highest precedence, defaults to C<main>. Only files with exactly one extension will be used, like C<index.html>. Note that for files to be detected, these classes need to have already been loaded and added before L</"warmup"> is called, which usually happens automatically during application startup. # Add another class with static files in DATA section push @{$static->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Fun'; # Add another class with static files in DATA section and higher precedence unshift @{$static->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::MoreFun'; =head2 extra my $extra = $static->extra; $static = $static->extra({'foo/bar.txt' => '/home/sri/myapp/bar.txt'}); Paths for extra files to be served from locations other than L</"paths">, such as the images used by the built-in exception and not found pages. Note that extra files are only served if no better alternative could be found in L</"paths"> and L</"classes">. # Remove built-in favicon delete $static->extra->{'favicon.ico'}; =head2 paths my $paths = $static->paths; $static = $static->paths(['/home/sri/public']); Directories to serve static files from, first one has the highest precedence. # Add another "public" directory push @{$static->paths}, '/home/sri/public'; # Add another "public" directory with higher precedence unshift @{$static->paths}, '/home/sri/themes/blue/public'; =head1 METHODS L<Mojolicious::Static> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones. =head2 dispatch my $bool = $static->dispatch(Mojolicious::Controller->new); Serve static file for L<Mojolicious::Controller> object. =head2 file my $asset = $static->file('images/logo.png'); my $asset = $static->file('../lib/'); Build L<Mojo::Asset::File> or L<Mojo::Asset::Memory> object for a file, relative to L</"paths"> or from L</"classes">, or return C<undef> if it doesn't exist. Note that this method uses a relative path, but does not protect from traversing to parent directories. my $content = $static->file('foo/bar.html')->slurp; =head2 is_fresh my $bool = $static->is_fresh(Mojolicious::Controller->new, {etag => 'abc'}); my $bool = $static->is_fresh( Mojolicious::Controller->new, {etag => 'W/"def"'}); Check freshness of request by comparing the C<If-None-Match> and C<If-Modified-Since> request headers to the C<ETag> and C<Last-Modified> response headers. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item etag etag => 'abc' etag => 'W/"abc"' Add C<ETag> header before comparing. =item last_modified last_modified => $epoch Add C<Last-Modified> header before comparing. =back =head2 serve my $bool = $static->serve(Mojolicious::Controller->new, 'images/logo.png'); my $bool = $static->serve(Mojolicious::Controller->new, '../lib/'); Serve a specific file, relative to L</"paths"> or from L</"classes">. Note that this method uses a relative path, but does not protect from traversing to parent directories. =head2 serve_asset $static->serve_asset(Mojolicious::Controller->new, Mojo::Asset::File->new); Serve a L<Mojo::Asset::File> or L<Mojo::Asset::Memory> object with C<Range>, C<If-Modified-Since> and C<If-None-Match> support. =head2 warmup $static->warmup; Prepare static files from L</"classes"> for future use. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut