
# pragmata
use strict;
use warnings;

# Standard Perl Library and CPAN modules
use Business::Billing::TMobile::UK;
use Data::Dumper;
use English;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ReadPassword;

$Term::ReadPassword::USE_STARS = 1;

my($url) = @_;


GetOptions(\%clo, qw(help|h debug|d=s password|p=s username|u=s)) or pod2usage(2);
$clo{help} and pod2usage(1);

$0 = 'check_tmobile_allowances' if($clo{password});

$clo{username} ||= read_password("U: ");
$clo{password} ||= read_password("Password: ");

die "No username specified\n" unless $clo{username};
die "No password specified\n" unless $clo{password};

my $tmobile = Business::Billing::TMobile::UK->new(%clo);

my $ra_allowances = $tmobile->get_allowances();

print "You have the following allowances remaining:\n";

foreach my $allowance (@$ra_allowances) {
	print $allowance, "\n";

=head1 NAME

check_tmobile_allowances - Check remaining allowances on TMobile website


[B<--username|u> I<username>]
[B<--password|p> I<password>]



This progam uses Business::Billing::TMobile::UK to fetch your allowances from
the T-Mobile website and display them on the screen. If you do not specify your
username and/or password as a command line option you will be prompted to enter
the details, they will not be echo-ed back to the screen.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--debug|-d>

Enable Debugging Output

=item B<--help|-h>

prints out usage information and exits

=item B<--username|-u> I<username>

Username to login with

=item B<--password|-p> I<password>

Password. If specified the $0 is updated so that people cannot see your
password by running ps, but note that perl cannot update $0 on all platforms!!


=head1 AUTHOR

Sagar R. Shah
