#!/usr/bin/perl # pragmata use strict; use warnings; # Standard Perl Library and CPAN modules use Data::Dumper; use English; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Pod::Usage; use WWW::StreetMap; my($url) = @_; my(%clo); GetOptions(\%clo, qw(help|h debug|d=s imagefile|i=s oowfile|o=s)) or pod2usage(2); $clo{help} and pod2usage(1); die "No URL Provided\n" unless $url; die "Must specify at least one of --imagefile|i <file> or --oowfile|o <file>\n" unless($clo{imagefile} or $clo{oowfile}); my $map = WWW::StreetMap->new(url => $url); $map->build_map_jpg($clo{imagefile}) if $clo{imagefile}; $map->create_oo_doc($clo{oowfile}) if $clo{oowfile}; =head1 NAME get_streetmap - Get a map image from Streetmap =head1 SYNOPSIS B<get_streetmap> [B<--debug|d>] [B<--help|-h>] [B<--help|-h>] [B<--imagefile|o> I<filename>] [B<--oowfile|o> I<filename>] I<streetmap_url> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<get_streetmap> =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--debug|-d> Enable Debugging Output =item B<--help|-h> prints out usage information and exits =item B<--imagefile|-i> I<filename> Filename to write jpg image to =item B<--oowfile|-i> I<filename> Filename to write OpenOffice document to =back =head1 AUTHOR Sagar R. Shah =cut