# RT::Client::REST::Ticket -- ticket object representation. package RT::Client::REST::Ticket; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 0.10; use Error qw(:try); use Params::Validate qw(:types); use RT::Client::REST 0.18; use RT::Client::REST::Attachment; use RT::Client::REST::Object 0.01; use RT::Client::REST::Object::Exception 0.04; use RT::Client::REST::SearchResult 0.02; use RT::Client::REST::Transaction; use base 'RT::Client::REST::Object'; =head1 NAME RT::Client::REST::Ticket -- this object represents a ticket. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new(server => $ENV{RTSERVER}); # Create a new ticket: my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, queue => "General", subject => $subject, )->store(text => "This is the initial text of the ticket"); print "Created a new ticket, ID ", $ticket->id, "\n"; # Update my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, id => $id, priority => 10, )->store; # Retrieve my $ticket => RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, id => $id, )->retrieve; unless ($ticket->owner eq $me) { $ticket->steal; # Give me more work! } =head1 DESCRIPTION B<RT::Client::REST::Ticket> is based on L<RT::Client::REST::Object>. The representation allows one to retrieve, edit, comment on, and create tickets in RT. =cut sub _attributes {{ id => { validation => { type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\d+$/, }, form2value => sub { shift =~ m~^ticket/(\d+)$~i; return $1; }, value2form => sub { return 'ticket/' . shift; }, }, queue => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, }, owner => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, }, creator => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, }, subject => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, }, status => { validation => { # That's it for validation... People can create their own # custom statuses. type => SCALAR, }, }, priority => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, }, initial_priority => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'InitialPriority', }, final_priority => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'FinalPriority', }, requestors => { validation => { type => ARRAYREF, }, list => 1, }, requestor => { validation => { type => ARRAYREF, }, list => 1, }, cc => { validation => { type => ARRAYREF, }, list => 1, }, admin_cc => { validation => { type => ARRAYREF, }, list => 1, rest_name => 'AdminCc', }, created => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, is_datetime => 1, }, starts => { validation => { type => SCALAR|UNDEF, }, is_datetime => 1, }, started => { validation => { type => SCALAR|UNDEF, }, is_datetime => 1, }, due => { validation => { type => SCALAR|UNDEF, }, is_datetime => 1, }, resolved => { validation => { type => SCALAR|UNDEF, }, is_datetime => 1, }, told => { validation => { type => SCALAR|UNDEF, }, is_datetime => 1, }, time_estimated => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'TimeEstimated', }, time_worked => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'TimeWorked', }, time_left => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'TimeLeft', }, last_updated => { validation => { type => SCALAR, }, rest_name => 'LastUpdated', is_datetime => 1, }, }} =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 2 =item B<id> This is the numeric ID of the ticket. =item B<queue> This is the B<name> of the queue (not numeric id). =item B<owner> Username of the owner. =item B<creator> Username of RT user who created the ticket. =item B<subject> Subject of the ticket. =item B<status> The status is usually one of the following: "new", "open", "resolved", "stalled", "rejected", and "deleted". However, custom RT installations sometimes add their own statuses. =item B<priority> Ticket priority. Usually a numeric value. =item B<initial_priority> =item B<final_priority> =item B<requestor> This is the attribute for setting the requestor on ticket creation. If you use requestors to do this in 3.8, the recipient may not receive an autoreply from RT because the ticket is initially created as the user your REST session is connected as. It is a list attribute (for explanation of list attributes, see B<LIST ATTRIBUTE PROPERTIES> in L<RT::Client::REST::Object>). =item B<requestors> This contains e-mail addresses of the requestors. It is a list attribute (for explanation of list attributes, see B<LIST ATTRIBUTE PROPERTIES> in L<RT::Client::REST::Object>). =item B<cc> A list of e-mail addresses used to notify people of 'correspond' actions. =item B<admin_cc> A list of e-mail addresses used to notify people of all actions performed on a ticket. =item B<created> Time at which ticket was created. Note that this is an immutable field and therefore the value cannot be changed.. =item B<starts> =item B<started> =item B<due> =item B<resolved> =item B<told> =item B<time_estimated> =item B<time_worked> =item B<time_left> =item B<last_updated> =back =head2 Attributes storing a time The attributes which store a time stamp have an additional accessor with the suffix C<_datetime> (eg., C<resolved_datetime>). This allows you can get and set the stored value as a DateTime object. Internally, it is converted into the date-time string which RT uses, which is assumed to be in UTC. =head1 DB METHODS For full explanation of these, please see B<"DB METHODS"> in L<RT::Client::REST::Object> documentation. =over 2 =item B<retrieve> Retrieve RT ticket from database. =item B<store ([text =E<gt> $text])> Create or update the ticket. When creating a new ticket, optional 'text' parameter can be supplied to set the initial text of the ticket. =item B<search> Search for tickets that meet specific conditions. =back =head1 TICKET-SPECIFIC METHODS =over 2 =item B<comment> (message => $message, %opts) Comment on this ticket with message $message. C<%opts> is a list of key-value pairs as follows: =over 2 =item B<attachments> List of filenames (an array reference) that should be attached to the ticket along with the comment. =item B<cc> List of e-mail addresses to send carbon copies to (an array reference). =item B<bcc> List of e-mail addresses to send blind carbon copies to (an array reference). =back =item B<correspond> (message => $message, %opts) Add correspondence to the ticket. Takes exactly the same arguments as the B<comment> method above. =cut # comment and correspond are really the same method, so we save ourselves # some duplication here. for my $method (qw(comment correspond)) { no strict 'refs'; *$method = sub { my $self = shift; if (@_ & 1) { RT::Client::REST::Object::OddNumberOfArgumentsException->throw; } $self->_assert_rt_and_id($method); my %opts = @_; unless (defined($opts{message})) { RT::Client::REST::Object::InvalidValueException->throw( "No message was provided", ); } $self->rt->$method( ticket_id => $self->id, %opts, ); return; }; } =item B<attachments> Get attachments associated with this ticket. What is returned is an object of type L<RT::Client::REST::SearchResult> which can then be used to get at objects of type L<RT::Client::REST::Attachment>. =cut sub attachments { my $self = shift; $self->_assert_rt_and_id; RT::Client::REST::SearchResult->new( ids => [ $self->rt->get_attachment_ids(id => $self->id) ], object => sub { RT::Client::REST::Attachment->new( id => shift, parent_id => $self->id, rt => $self->rt, ); }, ); } =item B<transactions> Get transactions associated with this ticket. Optionally, you can specify exactly what types of transactions you want listed, for example: my $result = $ticket->transactions(type => [qw(Comment Correspond)]); Please reference L<RT::Client::REST> documentation for the full list of valid transaction types. Return value is an object of type L<RT::Client::REST::SearchResult> which can then be used to iterate over transaction objects (L<RT::Client::REST::Transaction>). =cut sub transactions { my $self = shift; if (@_ & 1) { RT::Client::REST::Object::OddNumberOfArgumentsException->throw; } $self->_assert_rt_and_id; my %opts = @_; my %params = ( parent_id => $self->id, ); if (defined(my $type = delete($opts{type}))) { $params{transaction_type} = $type; } RT::Client::REST::SearchResult->new( ids => [ $self->rt->get_transaction_ids(%params) ], object => sub { RT::Client::REST::Transaction->new( id => shift, parent_id => $self->id, rt => $self->rt, ); }, ); } =item B<take> Take this ticket. If you already the owner of this ticket, C<RT::Client::REST::Object::NoopOperationException> will be thrown. =item B<untake> Untake this ticket. If Nobody is already the owner of this ticket, C<RT::Client::REST::Object::NoopOperationException> will be thrown. =item B<steal> Steal this ticket. If you already the owner of this ticket, C<RT::Client::REST::Object::NoopOperationException> will be thrown. =cut for my $method (qw(take untake steal)) { no strict 'refs'; *$method = sub { my $self = shift; $self->_assert_rt_and_id($method); try { $self->rt->$method(id => $self->id); } catch RT::Client::REST::AlreadyTicketOwnerException with { # Rename the exception. RT::Client::REST::Object::NoopOperationException ->throw(shift->message); }; return; }; } =back =head1 CUSTOM FIELDS This class inherits 'cf' method from L<RT::Client::REST::Object>. To create a ticket with a bunch of custom fields, use the following approach: RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new( rt => $rt, # blah blah cf => { 'field one' => $value1, 'field two' => $another_value, }, )->store; Some more examples: # Update a custom field value: $ticket->cf('field one' => $value1); $ticket->store; # Get a custom field value: my $another value = $ticket->cf('field two'); # Get a list of ticket's custom field names: my @custom_fields = $ticket->cf; =head1 INTERNAL METHODS =over 2 =item B<rt_type> Returns 'ticket'. =cut sub rt_type { 'ticket' } =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<RT::Client::REST>, L<RT::Client::REST::Object>, L<RT::Client::REST::Attachment>, L<RT::Client::REST::SearchResult>, L<RT::Client::REST::Transaction>. =head1 AUTHOR Dmitri Tikhonov <dtikhonov@yahoo.com> =head1 LICENSE Perl license. =cut __PACKAGE__->_generate_methods; 1;