PDF::API2 is using Dist::Zilla to make development easier.
Unfortunately, this can make it a little bit harder to contribute
since the source isn't the same as the distribution.
You can get the source from the following master repository:
It can also be found in an easily-forked location at:
INSTALL Dist::Zilla
Once you have the source, you'll also need the Dist::Zilla
distribution from CPAN. It has a boatload of dependencies, but it
should install cleanly. If not, help is usually easy to find on
RUN dzil build|test|etc
PERL5LIB=lib dzil build|test|etc
export PERL5LIB=lib
dzil build|test|etc
If you leave out the PERL5LIB=lib part, you'll almost definitely get
an error saying that PDF::API2::Build::Version couldn't be located.
That's because it's only found here.
Basically, PDF::API2::Build::Version takes the version number from the
dist.ini file and adds it to all the .pm files just under the package
name. As of this writing, I haven't found a plugin for Dist::Zilla
that does this in a way that doesn't look machine-generated.