Revision history for Spp
0.01 2015-11-1
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 2015-11-2
to-rule use JSON function encode_json.
0.03 2015-12-2
repl spp is interface of spp
0.04 2017-08-14
Spp as Parser of grammar, not entire language like lisp
1.01 2017-08-18
Spp could use as app to test
1.02 2017-8-21
fix bug could not install. readme add some content.
1.03 2017-8-29
fix some bug, add string and str to Str
1.04 2017-8-29
rewrite repl and
1.05 2017-8-29
delete two no use function, is_str_atom() rename is_str()
1.06 2017-8-31
name match atom add pos info [line,from,len]
1.07 2017-8-31
add mode to control debug and get pos
mode = 0 (default) not debug and pos
mode = 1 debug matching
mode = 2 get pos information of Token
1.08 2017-9-1
match if return false, then set max match report str return.
['false', max_report]
1.09 2017-9-2
to_end() set to Spp::Tools, could share with
add spp_to_spp to test Spp could transfer itself to itself.
add three test case.
1.10 2017-9-3
Spp::Tools rename => Spp::Builtin
would define function register Stable could have type sign
Do not need re-write with Mylisp. Must implement by other
1.11 2017-9-4
add get_matcher() match_matcher()
could use 'Int Int+' match 'Int Int'
type validation use type signature to check argument type gather.
'Str Any' could match 'Str Str'
1.12 2017-9-4 export grammar_to_ast() ast_to_parser() then other language
Could backup ast to Json, then load it when use. also could load
from grammar_text. but more quickly.
1.13 2017-9-4
write_file would send a message to output when write ok!
perl-tidy all source code.
1.14 2017-9-4 add not argument help.
1.15 2017-9-5
match() from to, could export to everyone.
delete :file specification get-file-text test.
delete _match_rule debug func(). is transfer with Spp.spp fix some bug. match-not() do not save cache correctly.
rename: is_str() => is_atom_str(), is_perl_str => is_str
1.16 2017-9-7
Spp/ match_sym() add:
if (is_false($match)) { return $match }
my $token_name = rest($name);
my $char = first($token_name);
if (is_char_upper($char)) { return [$token_name, $match] }
if ($char eq '_') { return ['true'] }
return $match;
could named capture string, or reject it! =>
Lint should do Ast.