Revision history for Spp
0.01 2015-11-1
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 2015-11-2
to-rule use JSON function encode_json.
0.03 2015-12-2
repl spp is interface of spp
0.04 2017-08-14
Spp as Parser of grammar, not entire language like lisp
1.01 2017-08-18
Spp could use as app to test
1.02 2017-8-21
fix bug could not install. readme add some content.
1.03 2017-8-29
fix some bug, add string and str to Str
1.04 2017-8-29
rewrite repl and
1.05 2017-8-29
delete two no use function, is_str_atom() rename is_str()
1.06 2017-8-31
name match atom add pos info [line,from,len]
1.07 2017-8-31
add mode to control debug and get pos
mode = 0 (default) not debug and pos
mode = 1 debug matching
mode = 2 get pos information of Token
1.08 2017-9-1
match if return false, then set max match report str return.
['false', max_report]
1.09 2017-9-2
to_end() set to Spp::Tools, could share with
add spp_to_spp to test Spp could transfer itself to itself.
add three test case.
1.10 2017-9-3
Spp::Tools rename => Spp::Builtin
would define function register Stable could have type sign
Do not need re-write with Mylisp. Must implement by other
1.11 2017-9-4
add get_matcher() match_matcher()
could use 'Int Int+' match 'Int Int'
type validation use type signature to check argument type gather.
'Str Any' could match 'Str Str'
1.12 2017-9-4 export grammar_to_ast() ast_to_parser() then other language
Could backup ast to Json, then load it when use. also could load
from grammar_text. but more quickly.
1.13 2017-9-4
write_file would send a message to output when write ok!
perl-tidy all source code.
1.14 2017-9-4 add not argument help.
1.15 2017-9-5
match() from to, could export to everyone.
delete :file specification get-file-text test.
delete _match_rule debug func(). is transfer with Spp.spp fix some bug. match-not() do not save cache correctly.
rename: is_str() => is_atom_str(), is_perl_str => is_str
1.16 2017-9-7
Spp/ match_sym() add:
if (is_false($match)) { return $match }
my $token_name = rest($name);
my $char = first($token_name);
if (is_char_upper($char)) { return [$token_name, $match] }
if ($char eq '_') { return ['true'] }
return $match;
could named capture string, or reject it! =>
Lint should do Ast.
1.17 export func add: lint_spp_ast() spp_ast_to_table()
delete get_matcher() match_matcher().
1.18 Use Perlcritic check all code, fix some small bug.
1.19 puts to
split some function could implement with Builtin
1.20 combin all function of Mylisp to Spp
add core to it, is_atoms
1.21 die() => error, Match all error could report pos.