                      Package "Bit::Vector" Version 4.0
                      for Perl version 5.000 and higher

     Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 by Steffen Beyer. All rights reserved.
     This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Contents of this file:

  -  Migration strategy
  -  New features in version 4.0
  -  Most important differences between versions 3.x and 4.0
  -  Most important differences between versions 2.x and 3.0
  -  Most important differences between versions 1.x and 2.0
  -  Version history in details

Migration strategy:

You will need to apply the following changes to your existing
applications that use the "Set::IntegerFast" module (use
interactive global text search & replace for this):

    "Set::IntegerFast"    -->    "Bit::Vector"         (required)

    "Empty_Interval("     -->    "Interval_Empty("     (recommended)
    "Fill_Interval("      -->    "Interval_Fill("      (recommended)
    "Flip_Interval("      -->    "Interval_Flip("      (recommended)
    "Delete("             -->    "Bit_On("             (recommended)
    "Insert("             -->    "Bit_Off("            (recommended)
    "flip("               -->    "bit_flip("           (recommended)
    "in("                 -->    "bit_test("           (recommended)
    "in("                 -->    "contains("           (alternative)
    "inclusion("          -->    "subset("             (recommended)

You should also apply these very changes to all of your applications
using the "Set::IntegerRange" and the "Math::MatrixBool" module.

This is because the same changes as in the new "Bit::Vector" module
have also been applied to these two modules, including (some of) the
new methods and (all of) the new method names and aliases!

The old method names on the left of the table above are still supported,
but deprecated from now on (this means that they could disappear at some
day in the future).

The module "Set::IntegerFast" still exists, but it is maintained only to
assure backward compatibility. It might also go sometime in the future.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you migrate your application(s).

New features in version 4.0:


    while (($min,$max) = $vector->Interval_Scan_inc($start))

    while (($min,$max) = $vector->Interval_Scan_dec($start))

    $carry_out = $vector->rotate_left();

    $carry_out = $vector->rotate_right();

    $carry_out = $vector->shift_left($carry_in);

    $carry_out = $vector->shift_right($carry_in);

    $string = $vector->to_String(); # e.g., "A08A28AC"

    $ok = $vector->from_string($string);



    $other_vector = $some_vector->Shadow();

    $twin_vector = $some_vector->Clone();

    eval { $vector = Bit::Vector->new_from_String($string); };

    $string = $vector->to_ASCII(); # e.g., "2,3,5-7,11,13-19"

    eval { $vector->from_ASCII($string); };

    if ($vector) # if not empty
    if (! $vector) # if empty
    unless ($vector) # if empty

    # "$index" is a number or a Perl scalar variable containing a
    # number which represents the set containing only that element:

    if ($vector1 == $vector2)
    if ($vector1 != $vector2)
    if ($vector == $index)
    if ($vector != $index)

Lexical Comparison

    $cmp = $vector1 cmp $vector2;
    if ($vector1 lt $vector2)
    if ($vector1 le $vector2)
    if ($vector1 gt $vector2)
    if ($vector1 ge $vector2)
    if ($vector1 eq $vector2)
    if ($vector1 ne $vector2)
    $cmp = $vector cmp $index;
    if ($vector lt $index)
    if ($vector le $index)
    if ($vector gt $index)
    if ($vector ge $index)
    if ($vector eq $index)
    if ($vector ne $index)

Shift Register
    $carry_out = $vector << $carry_in;
    $carry_out = $vector >> $carry_in;
    $carry_out = $carry_in >> $vector;
    $vector <<= $carry_in;
    $vector >>= $carry_in;

Rotate Register
    $carry_out = $vector << $vector->bit_test($vector->Size()-1);
    $carry_out = $vector >> $vector->bit_test(0);
    $carry_out = $vector->bit_test(0) >> $vector;
    $vector <<= $vector->bit_test($vector->Size()-1);
    $vector >>= $vector->bit_test(0);

String Conversion
    $string = "$vector";
    print "\$vector = '$vector'\n";

    $set1 = $set2 + $set3;
    $set1 += $set2;
    $set1 = $set2 | $set3;
    $set1 |= $set2;
    $vector1 = $vector2 + $index;
    $vector += $index;
    $vector1 = $vector2 | $index;
    $vector |= $index;

    $set1 = $set2 * $set3;
    $set1 *= $set2;
    $set1 = $set2 & $set3;
    $set1 &= $set2;
    $vector1 = $vector2 * $index;
    $vector *= $index;
    $vector1 = $vector2 & $index;
    $vector &= $index;

    $set1 = $set2 - $set3;
    $set1 -= $set2;
    $set1 = $set2 - $set1;
    $vector1 = $vector2 - $index;
    $vector1 = $index - $vector2;
    $vector -= $index;

    $set1 = $set2 ^ $set3;
    $set1 ^= $set2;
    $vector1 = $vector2 ^ $index;
    $vector ^= $index;

    $set1 = -$set2;
    $set1 = ~$set2;
    $set = -$set;
    $set = ~$set;

Subset Relationship
    if ($set1 <= $set2)

True Subset Relationship
    if ($set1 < $set2)

Superset Relationship
    if ($set1 >= $set2)

True Superset Relationship
    if ($set1 > $set2)

    $norm = abs($set);

Most important differences between versions 3.x and 4.0:

This module (base class) has been renamed from "Set::IntegerFast"
to "Bit::Vector".

A module "Set::IntegerFast" still exists; but it is now just
a wrapper module to maintain backward compatibility.

If you continue to "use Set::IntegerFast" your applications should
continue to work as before.

The only difference will be in the exact content of the error messages
issued by the "Bit::Vector" module and possibly in speed of execution.

If your application doesn't rely on the contents of any error messages,
backward compatibility should be 100%.

A couple of methods have been renamed to make things more consistent,
meaningful or comfortable, but the "Bit::Vector" class provides alias
names for those methods to maintain backward compatibility, so you don't
need to worry about that if you don't want to use the new names.

The "Set::IntegerRange" and "Math::MatrixBool" modules underwent the
same changes but also provide alias names for the new method names to
maintain backward compatibility.

Note that the "Set::IntegerFast" wrapper module also supports the new
methods and new method names in the "Bit::Vector" class, not just the
old ones!

(But you should rather migrate than making heavy use of this feature!)

The separate version number for the distribution has been abandoned;
the version of the distribution and the module with the same name are
now identical (this is achieved in the "Makefile.PL"!).

Most important differences between versions 2.x and 3.0:

Starting with the version 2.1 of the "Set::IntegerFast" module, the
"Set-IntegerFast" distribution has a version number independent of the
"Set::IntegerFast" module, beginning with version number 3.0.

This is because in this version, a couple of (mostly independent) companion
or application modules have been added to form a bundle.

Most important differences between versions 1.x and 2.0:

1) The standard calling convention for the object constructor method
   is supported now, i.e.

            $set = Set::IntegerFast::Create($elements);

   is _gone_ and is replaced by

            $set = new Set::IntegerFast($elements);

   (and also including all other possibilities of calling a class method
   offered by Perl)

2) The object destructor method has also changed its name:


   is also _gone_ and replaced by


   Note however that you don't need to call this method explicitly
   anymore (!) - Perl will do it automatically for you when the last
   reference to your set is deleted, for instance through assigning
   a different value to the Perl variable containing the reference
   to your set, like in "$set = 0;".

3) The man page is no separate file anymore, it is now included in
   the file "IntegerFast.pm" in POD format, where it will automatically
   be found and installed in your "man" directory by "make install".

4) A wrapper module named "Set::IntegerRange" has been added to this
   package which allows you to use sets of integers in an *arbitrary*
   interval (instead of from zero to some positive integer).

Version history in details:

Version 1.0 was the initial release.


Version 1.1 offered a new "Resize" method which allows you to change the
size of an existing set while keeping the information it contains (as much
of it as will fit into the new set) and fixed some errors in the documen-
tation (the methods Create, Empty, Fill and Copy had complexity n/8 and not
n/b) by changing the implementation of these methods (so that they became
of complexity n/b).

The interface of the C routines was made more consistent (the pointer to
the set is now always the first argument) and a few more paragraphs were
added to the documentation.

The method "ExclusiveOr" (which calculates the symmetric difference X =
(Y + Z) \ (Y * Z) of two sets Y and Z) was also added in this version.

Version 1.1 broke with the next new release of Perl, version 5.002 (problems
with the "Destroy" method and "bad free() ignored" warnings that caused some
of the tests in "make test" to fail).


Version 2.0 fixed the problem that had appeared with Perl 5.002 in version

As a matter of fact, version 2.0 was a complete rewrite of the XSUB part
of this package. The C library of the package ("lib_set.c") was also changed
slightly; the functions "lexorder" and "Compare" were changed to become more
efficient (complexity 1..n/b instead of 1..n/8). Parameter types were adjusted
to reflect their nature as those integers that the sets of this package are
all about. The documentation was rewritten completely and ported to POD format.

A new module (in fact a "wrapper" module for the "Set::IntegerFast" module)
named "Set::IntegerRange" (with version number 1.0) was added in version 2.0
of this package which allows you to use sets of integers in an *arbitrary*
interval (instead of from zero to some positive integer).


Version 3.0 of the distribution:

Starting with the version 2.1 of the "Set::IntegerFast" module, the
"Set-IntegerFast" distribution had a version number independent of the
"Set::IntegerFast" module, beginning with version number 3.0.

Version 2.1 of the "Set::IntegerFast" module (and also version 2.0 of the
"Set::IntegerRange" module) introduced a new method, "flip", which flips
an element and returns its new state. It also fixed the "known bug" men-
tioned in the README file and man page of "Set::IntegerFast" version 2.0.

Moreover, version 2.0 of the "Set::IntegerRange" module introduced the
possibility to use overloaded operators (instead of explicit method calls).

The independent version number of the distribution was esteemed necessary
because in that version a couple of companion modules were added:

"Math::MatrixBool", "Math::MatrixReal" and "DFA::Kleene"; moreover,
the former "kruskal" demo program was upgraded to a Perl module
(christianed "Graph::Kruskal").

A short essay about the theory behind Kleene's algorithm was also added.

Because many of these modules are only loosely related to the main module
and since some of these modules are also distributed separately, it was
important to be able to maintain separate version numbers for them.

Hence the introduction of a separate version number for the distribution
(which in hindsight may not have been a good idea).

The directory structure of the distribution had to be adjusted accordingly,
and separate Makefiles had to be provided instead of a single one in order
to assure correct building and installation of the modules without changing
the standard installation procedure (which is "perl Makefile.PL", "make",
"make test" and "make install").

There is actually an alternate way of doing this which doesn't need the many
"Makefile.PL"s and which consists of creating a "lib" subdirectory in the
root directory of this distribution and to move the subdirectories "DFA",
"Graph" and "Math" into it. The problem with this alternative is that it
adds the word "lib/" in the headers of the man pages of the corresponding
modules, which makes the names too long for the available space and thus
clutters the whole headline.


In version 3.1 of this distribution, a bug related to 64 bit machines was
fixed in the "Set::IntegerFast" module, which received version number 2.2.

On 64 bit machines with 64 bits of address space the type "size_t" (the type
of the byte count argument for the "malloc" system call) needs to have 64 bits
as well. But type "int" does not necessarily have 64 bits, too, so assuming
that "int" and "size_t" have the same size leads to errors.

Note that if you know for sure that your machine has built-in "long" integer
arithmetic at the machine language instruction level AND that type "size_t"
(the type of the result of the "sizeof" operator and of the argument for the
"malloc" system call) is (at least) as large as a "long" on your machine, then
you may safely change the two lines

typedef  unsigned   int     unit;
typedef  unsigned   int     N_int;

in the file "Set/lib_defs.h" to

typedef  unsigned   long    unit;
typedef  unsigned   long    N_int;

in order to improve the complexity of the functions of the "Set::IntegerFast"

BEWARE that if you do this you may not use sets larger than (with more
elements than) the constant "LONG_MAX" on your system MINUS ONE, or the
two functions "Set_Min" and "Set_Max" will produce inconsistent (weird)

NOTE that there is NO CHECK in this module to ensure this condition!!

Also remember to apply this same change to the file "Math/lib_defs.h" in
case the latter is not a symbolic link to the former on your system!


Version 3.2 of the "Set-IntegerFast" distribution featured three new methods
in the "Set::IntegerFast" module (which received version number 3.0) which fill
the gap between setting or clearing either *all* elements at once or a *single*
element at a time: it is now possible to set, clear and flip a whole *interval*
of elements (of arbitrary size, as long as it will fit into the set as a whole)
all at once!

It also introduced a new "Size()" method which returns the size a given set
has been created with (or "Resize()"d to).

The same four methods were also added to the "Set::IntegerRange" module in
a similar fashion. (The version number of the "Set::IntegerRange" module went
up to 3.0, too.)

The "Math::MatrixBool" module (which received version number 2.0) was
improved significantly through a C library (linked to Perl via the XSUB
interface) that handled matrix multiplication and the calculation of a
matrix's closure (Kleene's algorithm). At the same time the bugs which
had existed in their Perl (predecessor) versions were fixed in the new
C version.

The module also featured a new "new_from_string()" method analogue to the one
which had already been implemented before in the "Math::MatrixReal" module.

Moreover, it was also equipped with a "Dim()" (dimensions) method which
the "Math::MatrixReal" module also already had had and which I simply had
forgotten to implement in the previous version.

A severe bug was fixed in the "kleene()" method of the "Math::MatrixReal"
module, whose version number moved on to 1.1.


Version 4.0 is a complete rewrite of the whole "Set::Integerfast" module
(which besides has been renamed to "Bit::Vector") with also large additions
to its associated application modules.

The module has been renamed to "Bit::Vector" since it now not only offers
methods for the handling of sets, but also for other applications based
on bit vectors, like boolean matrices and shift registers.

A huge number of new methods has been added to the "Bit::Vector" module,
as well as to its application classes (see the corresponding list above
under "New features"!).

For instance, and for the first time in this module's history, it is
possible to convert a set or bit vector into a string representation,
which can be stored in a file, for example, and which can be read back
in later!

The extra version number for the distribution was abandoned, the version
number of the distribution is now linked to the version number of the
module with the same name as the distribution (this is achieved in the
file "Makefile.PL").

Moreover, the separate "Makefile.PL"s were abandoned because they made
things too complicated to maintain.

Instead, the solution (already mentioned further above) using the "lib"
subdirectory was adopted.

Also, the multiple modules using C code via the XSUB interface made things
too complicated, which is one of the reasons why everything was assembled
into one unique C library.

Another reason was the arrival of the new functionality to implement bit
shift registers, which fits well into a bit vector class (but not into a
set calculations class).

The latter was also a major reason for renaming the module to "Bit::Vector".
