2008-01-09  Stephen Nelson  <stephenenelson@mac.com>

	* Bumped version to '0.06'
	* Documented configuration in Video::PlaybackMachine::Config
	* Refactored much of playback_machine.pl into run() method on V::PM object
	* Added better general description of PlaybackMachine to V::PM docs
	* Added new --no-daemonize option
	* Set up default config file to use '${HOME}' rather than hardcoded to my home directory, and otherwise genericized
	* Moved script installation to Makefile.PL; eliminated install.sh

2008-01-07  Stephen Nelson  <stephenenelson@mac.com>

	* Bumped version to '0.05'
	* Moved "Changes" to "ChangeLog"
	* Enabled expansions in configuration file
	* Inlined Log4perl configuration file
	* Added explicit OID to sql
	* Started to re-create mock session
	* Removed log files from dist

0.04  Sun Dec 23 18:20:52 2007
	- Skipped failing tests
        - Eliminated all references to development environment
	- Moved logging initialization to config file and Config module
	- Cleaned up for RPM packaging

0.03  Sun Jun 12 10:23:02 2005
	- Moved all magic constants to configuration file
	- Separated/centralized database access

0.02  Fri Jun  3 05:35:39 2005
	- Initial public release

0.01  Sun Jul  6 23:16:46 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AX -n Video::PlaybackMachine