Revision history for Perl extension Forest

0.06 Fri. Feb. 27, 2009
    - whoops, tons of .git stuff in that last 
    - updated MANIFEST.SKIP so don't get all 
      that git stuff

0.05 Fri. Feb. 27, 2009
    - fixed all the test plans and updated copyright

0.04 Sun. Sept. 7, 2008
    * Forest::Tree::Writer::SimpleHTML
      - removed Sub::Current dependency because it
        cannot be compiled on Win32 with 5.8.*
        (thanks to Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior)

0.03 Sun. Aug. 10, 2008
    * Forest::Tree
      - fixing bug where children were not getting  
        the parent sorted correctly 
        - added several tests for this

0.02 Sat. July 12, 2008
    ~ converted from Module::Build to Module::Install

    -- removed Forest::Tree::Service::* this will be 
       moved to another distro soon.

    * Forest::Tree
      - added size and height attributes (groditi)

    * Forest::Tree::Writer
      - added node_formatter support 
        - added tests for this
    * Forest::Tree::Writer::ASCIIWithBranches
      - added this module for drawing ASCII trees 
        with nice little branches and such.
        - added tests for this        
    * Forest::Tree::Roles::CanCreateSubTree
      - refactored out some common functionality 
        into roles
    * Forest::Tree::Loader
      - added this generic role for loading of 

    * Forest::Tree::Loader::SimpleUIDLoader
      - added this module as a way to load a tree
        from a simple ArrayOfHash tables 
        - added tests for this

    * Forest::Tree::Roles::LoadWithMetaData
      - simple role to work with loaders and add
        the metadata in as the tree is being created
        - added tests for this
    * Forest::Tree::Reader
      - this now also ->does(Forest::Tree::Loader)
        so that you can be more general about how 
        your stuff gets loaded.
        - added tests for this

0.01 Wed. Feb. 13, 2008
    - filling a need