Revision history for Perl extension Lighttpd-Control

0.02 Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008
    - changing the config file now clears the 
      pid-file and server-pid slots
    - changing the pid-file slot will clear the
      server-pid slot
    - added predicate methods to check if there is
      a pid-file given and a server pid available
      - added tests for this
    - pre_startup and post_shutdown now clear the 
      server pid at the right times, so that 
      start/stop/start/stop will work correctly
      (Thanks to FAYLAND - RT #39819)
      - added test for this
    - post_startup will be sure to initailize the 
      server pid, and blocks (printing a log-message) 
      until the server has started (this can be 
      overriden if needed).

0.01 Friday, Sept. 26, 2008
    - I am getting sick of copy/pasting this stuff 
      between all the projects at work, so I am packaging
      it up for release.