Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-Getopt

0.13 Saturday, May 24, 2008
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Commandline option shouldn't be required in the
        case that the given "required" attribute has
        been loaded from config (MooseX::ConfigFromFile)
      - Support for MooseX::ConfigFromFile shouldn't require
        that role be added at the same level as Getopt.
      - fixed miscapitalization of NoGetopt in the docs
      - added links to the traits in the docs
    ~ converted to Module::Install instead of 

0.12 Fri. March 14, 2008
    ~~ updated copyright dates ~~

    - upped the Moose dependency to support
      the custom metaclass traits
    - added Getopt::Long::Descriptive as an
      optional dependency

    * MooseX::Getopt
      - added support for custom metaclass traits
        - added tests for this

0.11 Sun. Jan. 27, 2008
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Commandline option shouldn't be required in the
        case that the given "required" attribute has
        a default or a builder method.

0.10 Wed. Jan. 23, 2008
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Support default configfile attribute when
        used with MooseX::ConfigFromFile-based roles

0.09 Tues. Jan. 22, 2008
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Use Getopt::Long::Descriptive if it's available

0.08 Tues. Dec. 8, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Added support for configfile loading via
        MooseX::ConfigFromFile-based roles with
        the -configfile commandline option.

0.07 Tues. Dec. 4, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt
      - fixed miscapitalization of NoGetopt in the docs

0.06 Fri. Nov. 23, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - refactored &new_with_option some so that
        this will work better with other Getopt
        modules (nuffin)

    + MooseX::Getopt::Strict
      - version of MooseX::Getopt which requires
        you to specify which attributes you want
        processed explicity
        - added tests for this

    + MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt
      - a custom meta-attribute which can be
        used to specify that an attribute should
        not be processed
        - added tests for this

0.05 Tues. July 3, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap
      - added some checks to make sure that the type
        constraints are found properly and to give
        better diagnostics

0.04 Tues. June 26, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap
      - Added support for subtype constraint inference
        from parent types
        - added tests and docs for this
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - Added extra_argv attribute
        - added tests and docs for this
      - We now unmangle the Getopt::Long-mangled @ARGV
        - added tests and docs for this
      - We now throw an exception from new_with_options
        if Getopt fails due to bad arguments.
        - added tests and docs for this

0.03 Wed. May 2nd, 2007
    ~ downgraded the Getopt version requirement
      to 2.35 as per RT #26844
    ~ adding blblack to the authors list

    * MooseX::Getopt
      - doc update to show simple way to of excluding
        an attribute, but not having accessors with
        underscores (thanks to Zaba on #moose for this)
    * MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute
      - tightening up the type constraint in the
        cmd_alias coercion to only accept strings

0.02 Friday, April 6, 2007
    * MooseX::Getopt
      - added the ARGV attribute (thanks to blblack)
        - added tests and docs for this

    * MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute
      - added the cmd_aliases attribute (thanks to blblack)
        - added tests and docs for this
      - added support for Moose 0.19's custom
        attribute metaclass alias registry.
        - added tests and docs for this

0.01 Friday, March 9, 2007
    - module released to CPAN