Revision history for Fork-Event-Interval
0.04 2017-10-19
- added examples/, shared variable between all events and
the parent
- major overhaul on PID handling which provided the ability to rework
status() to be much more reliable (and effective)
- we now set $SIG{CHLD}="IGNORE" to avoid defunct processes
- added Carp (croak) for all fatal errors
- status() now returns -1 if an event has crashed, providing the user
with the ability to restart the event, or take other action
- added examples/ and examples/
0.03 2016-10-16
- removed restart(), and aliased it instead to start()
- fixed issue in an already-running warn on start(), and added status()
to check the running status of an event (closes #1)
0.02 2016-09-24
- POD fixes
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.