Revision history for Devel-Examine::Subs
1.64 2016-02-04
- removed erroneous build requirement that negated the File::Edit::Portable
prereq_pm version update, allowing tests to continue to fail on some
versions of FreeBSD
1.63 2016-02-03
- added backup(), set/get status of _read_file() creating a '.bak' copy
of each file on every read. Defaults to disabled (0) (fixes #7)
- _read_file() now compares the file's line endings with that of the
platform, and skips creating a tempfile if they match (performance).
(fixes #4)
- re-implemented t/002-critic.t, if RELEASE_TESTING is enabled, and
Perl::Critic is installed
- cosmetic changes to tests and test data files to satisfy critic
- module() now checks to see if a module is already loaded, and then
unloads it if it wasn't (fixes #5)
1.62 2016-01-26
- we now require File::Edit::Portable v1.17, due to an issue in the
previous version where an flock() problem in FBSD 10.1 and 9.2 amd64
was causing tests to fail on those platforms
1.61 2016-01-18
- _write_file() was breaking with file is a dir param and no copy param
was sent in (closes #3)
1.60 2016-01-16
- no functional changes
- POD updates
1.59 2016-01-14
- 100% test coverage!
- when file param is a directory, we now use the copy param as a dir,
create that dir, and copy all the files in the file param to it, and
operate on those (in operations that write to files)
- add_functionality() now checks to see if the sub being added already
exists (closes #2)
- true value at end of module remains in the correct place (closes #1)
1.58 20151230
- _proc() now sets $p->{order}, which keeps track of the original order
of subs in the file being worked on
- added order(), returns the list of sub names in the order they appear
in the file
- fixed minor issues in a couple of unit test files (file cleanup on
windows wasn't working correctly)
- removed 'blead' from travis
- win32 tests in CPAN Testers should be ok again after last dev version
- re-enable t/24-preproc (seems to be working on win32 again)
1.57_01 20151120
- certain deprications will be necessary after the rest of the module
is rewritten to use PPI where it currently isn't
- reworked _read_file(), it now populates $self->{params}{file_contents}
from a PPI doc
- _proc() modified to use PPI to get the sub code from the file,
instead of extracting it out manually out of an array slice by
counting line nums
- $subs struct no longer has a copy of the entire file contents in each
sub. This reduces the size of the data and all objects significantly
1.56 20151029
- no noticeable functional changes
- most examples have been removed as unnecessary
- extra check put in before we clobber *trace() in BEGIN
1.55 20151022
- no functional changes
- runs down to perl v5.8
- removed all features beyond 5.8 (defined-or, each on array etc)
1.53 20151019
- reorganized tests as extensions.t was breaking on windows due to
the same number of files not being used
1.52 20151016
- inject() with line_num param now uses File::Edit::Portable::splice()
- inject() w/ inject_use param uses the same as inject() w/ line_num
1.51 20151015
- API CHANGE: extensions param changed to accept what
File::Find::Rule::name takes, as opposed to just the extensions less
the dot
- _run_directory() now uses File::Edit::Portable::dir() for finding
- Travis-CI integration
- inject() now allows a line_num param along with a code param, will
inject the block of code in the array ref immediately after the
line number in the file
- File::Find prereq removed, we now use File::Edit::Portable for
- add_functionality() now injects the new sub, updates the dispatch
table in all three core phases (pre_proc, engine, post_proc)
1.46 20150930
- renamed everything from pre_filter to post_proc
- removed test that was failing across platforms (t/24)
1.45 20150930
- module() now allows just a single string param
"$des->module('Data::Dumper')". Backwards compatibility has remained
- _read_file() now uses File::Edit::Portable read()
- _write_file() now uses File::Edit::Portable write()
- internally, _subs() has been renamed to _proc()
- reduced the size of the data and instance by ~50% (according to
- new prereq: File::Basename (fixes bug where module file bak couldn't
be saved)
- fixed "use Symbol;" to import 'delete_package'
- re-enabled t/24-pre-proc tests
1.43 20150923
- search_replace() now takes a coderef that encompasses the
substitution regex info
- new replace() method, similar to search_replace(), but works on
entire file. See examples/
- added/updated tests
1.41 20150922
- fix problems with forcing CPAN Testers to honour perl v5.012
- disabled t/24 preproc tests
1.39 20150921
- Tie::File no longer needed, we have our own built-in read/write
- upon reading in a file, the line endings are saved, then completely
prior to the file array being populated. Upon write, the saved line
endings are added back in to each line
- hundreds of new tests across numerous files
- fixed a couple bugs in inject_after() relating to Tie::File removal
- modules now have their version applied in the 'package' line
- min perl version is 5.012;
1.35 20150917
- reworked Makefile.PL, allows tests on MSWin32 to pass
- we now look in all files to determine and set line-ending
characters program-wide
- added a '\r\n' file and added a test
1.33 20150916
- re-added Devel::Trace::Subs integration in a way that the module
won't break install if DTS isn't installed
1.32 20150915
- moved repo from bitbucket to
- removed Devel::Trace::Subs integration... breaks CPAN install because
of the circular dependency
1.31 20150915
- Devel::Trace::Subs has been introduced. See DEBUGGING in
'perldoc Devel::Examine::Subs'
- code injection now has much more reliable indenting
1.30 20150914
- inject_after() no longer adds a new empty line after code is
- fixed bug where Module::Name wasn't being required properly
- added 'inject_after_sub_def' param to inject() preproc
1.29 20150913
- added inject(), with 'inject_use' parameter
- added remove(), which operates at the file level
- fixed a couple of undef warnings in inject_after()
- Data::Compare to compare for caching
- cache is now working again
- added cache (default off) persistent param
- added cache_dump transient param
- all public methods (less run()) now take a hash as params
(as opposed to hash ref).
- pre_filters are now accepted in an aref if there are more than one:
['string', $cref, 'string'] etc.
1.27 20150813
- 'regex' param now enabled by default
- new 'objects_as_hash' param
1.24 20150812
- fixes bug 54: implement _clean_config()
- fixes bug 56: allow 'file' param to be a module name
- params are separated into persistent and transient
- all params are now validated
- transient params get reset after each run()
- added valid_params()
- major pod rework
1.23 20150811
- removed all traces of cache
- dependency fixes
- cleaned up POD
- fixed typos and PPI var names
- added POD for Engine and Prefilter
- ./Build dist
1.20_01 20150723
- engine framework in place
- uses pre_proc, pre_filter and engine callbacks
- callbacks can be sent in by user code
- search uses optional regex
- directory or file can be sent in
- refined objects, they now have 'lines'
- began making things more generic
- can search/replace and inject code
- can cache results in directory searching
- countless bug fixes
1.17 20150715
- implemented PPI sub checking, much safer
- removed the old _subs() that was not PPI-based
- most everything is OO based now
- all core parameters are set into $self through _config()
- basic consolidation of error checking in _config()
- extensive refactoring to make tests pass
- separate out the module into its own file
- bug 12 fix: new() now sets $self->{file} for use by other methods
- bug 14 fix: add file validation: done in _config()
- bug 13 fix: new() now accepts 'file' param
- new test for 'search'
- many other test additions/updates
- test for ::Sub
- test for _config()
To consider:
- need to sort out esc/unescape for 'search'
1.11 20150714
- fixed bug where only one line was being added for has_lines
1.10 20150714
- added bool 'lines' param to has()
-- returns hash of arrays of hashes
- updated POD
- new tests for has() (lines)
1.09 20150714
- added module()
-- return all subs found in a running module
- cleaned up POD/Readme
1.07 20150630
- added sublist()
- similar to line_numbers(), but returns a list of
objects that have start(), stop(), name() and count()
0.14 20150624
- added line_numbers()
- retrieves line numbers for the start and end of each
0.07 20120330
- fixes bug 11
- add new() method and allow object method calls
0.06 20120330
- changed name of project from Devel::ExamineSubs
to Devel::Examine::Subs
0.05 20120330
- changed API to all public calls to use href params
0.02 20120330
- added tests
- dies() if number of params is not correct (consider
changing this internally)
- created repository on bitbucket
0.01 20120330
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.