use warnings; use strict; use Cwd qw(getcwd); use Data::Dumper; use File::Find::Rule; use File::Find; use Test::More; use Hook::Output::Tiny; use Dist::Mgr qw(:all); use version; use lib 't/lib'; use Helper qw(:all); my $work = 't/data/work'; my $mods = [qw(Acme::STEVEB)]; my $cwd = getcwd(); my %module_args = ( author => 'Steve Bertrand', email => '', modules => $mods, license => 'artistic2', builder => 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker', ); my $h = Hook::Output::Tiny->new; remove_init(); # generate a distribution, and compare all files against our saved # distribution template { before(); # init() $h->hook('stderr'); init(%module_args, verbose => 1); $h->unhook('stderr'); my @stderr = $h->stderr; is scalar @stderr, 11, "Module::Starter has proper print output"; is -d 'Acme-STEVEB', 1, "Acme-STEVEB directory created ok"; # move_distribution_files() my $r = move_distribution_files($mods->[0]); is $r, 0, "proper return from move_distribution_files()"; is -e 'Acme-STEVEB', undef, "distribution dir was removed ok"; like getcwd(), qr/init$/, "we're in the init dir ok"; file_count(16); # remove_unwanted_files() remove_unwanted_files(); file_count(12); check_file('lib/Acme/', qr/Steve Bertrand/, "our custom module template is in place ok"); # changes() file_count(12); changes($mods->[0]); check_file('Changes', qr/Dist::Mgr/, "our custom Changes is in place ok"); is sha1sum('Changes'), '29bd43ee41fc555186bb2a736c86af8241098f21', "updated Changes has proper md5 ok"; # manifest_skip() manifest_skip(); file_count(13); is -e 'MANIFEST.SKIP', 1, "MANIFEST.SKIP created ok"; check_file('MANIFEST.SKIP', qr/BB-Pass/, "it's our custom MANIFEST.SKIP ok"); # manifest_t() manifest_t(); file_count(13); is -e 't/manifest.t', 1, "t/manifest.t created ok"; check_file('t/manifest.t', qr/manicheck/, "it's our custom manifest.t ok"); # ci_github() ci_github(); file_count(16); # 16 from 13 because we also count the new directories is -e '.github/workflows/github_ci_default.yml', 1, "CI config in place ok"; check_file( '.github/workflows/github_ci_default.yml', qr/PL2Bat/, "our custom CI config file is in place ok" ); # git_ignore() git_ignore(); is -e '.gitignore', 1, ".gitignore in place ok"; check_file('.gitignore', qr/BB-Pass/, "our custom .gitignore is in place ok"); # ci_badges() ci_badges('stevieb9', 'acme-steveb', 'lib/Acme/'); check_file('lib/Acme/', qr/=for html/, "ci_badges() has html for loop ok"); check_file('lib/Acme/', qr/coveralls/, "ci_badges() dropped coveralls ok"); check_file('lib/Acme/', qr/workflows/, "ci_badges() dropped github actions ok"); # add_bugtracker() add_bugtracker('stevieb9', 'acme-steveb'); check_file('Makefile.PL', qr/META_MERGE/, "bugtrack META_MERGE added ok"); check_file('Makefile.PL', qr/bugtracker/, "bugtracker added ok"); # add_repository() add_repository('stevieb9', 'acme-steveb'); check_file('Makefile.PL', qr/META_MERGE/, "repo META_MERGE added ok"); check_file('Makefile.PL', qr/repository/, "repository added ok"); # version_info() my ($orig_ver) = values %{ (version_info('lib/'))[0] }; is $orig_ver, '0.01', "original version is 0.01 ok"; # version_bump() version_bump('9.66', 'lib/Acme/'); my ($new_ver) = values %{ (version_info('lib/'))[0] }; is $new_ver, '9.66', "new version is 9.66 ok"; is( version->parse($new_ver) > version->parse($orig_ver), 1, "$new_ver is greater than $orig_ver ok" ); # make_manifest() make_manifest(); # Compare all files against the saved template like getcwd(), qr|dist-mgr(-\d+\.\d+)?.*/t/data/work/init|i, "in the init dir ok"; my $template_dir = "$cwd/t/data/module_template/"; my @template_files = File::Find::Rule->file() ->name('*') ->in($template_dir); my $file_count = 0; for my $tf (@template_files) { (my $nf = $tf) =~ s/$template_dir//; # nf == new file # tf == template file if (-f $nf) { open my $tfh, '<', $tf or die $!; open my $nfh, '<', $nf or die $!; my @tf = <$tfh>; my @nf = <$nfh>; close $tfh; close $nfh; for (0 .. $#tf) { if ($nf eq 'lib/Acme/') { if ($nf[$_] =~ /\$VERSION/) { # VERSION like $nf[$_], qr/\$VERSION = '9.66'/, "Changes line 2 contains date ok"; next; } if ($tf[$_] =~ /\b2020\b/) { is $nf[$_] =~ /Copyright.* \d{4}/, 1, "$nf Copyright line ok"; next; } } is $nf[$_], $tf[$_], "$nf file matches the template $tf ok"; } $file_count++; } } is scalar $file_count, @template_files, "file count matches number of files in template"; # Cleanup after(); } remove_init() if getcwd() !~ /init$/; done_testing; sub before { like $cwd, qr/dist-mgr/i, "in proper directory ok"; chdir $work or die $!; like getcwd(), qr/$work$/, "in $work directory ok"; if (! -d 'init') { mkdir 'init' or die $!; } is -d 'init', 1, "'init' dir created ok`"; chdir 'init' or die $!; like getcwd(), qr/$work\/init$/, "in $work/init directory ok"; } sub after { chdir $cwd or die $!; like getcwd(), qr/dist-mgr(-\d+\.\d+)?/i, "back in root directory ok"; } sub file_count { my ($expected_count) = @_; my $fs_entry_count; find (sub {$fs_entry_count++;}, '.'); is $fs_entry_count, $expected_count, "$expected_count of files after initial move"; } sub check_file { my ($file, $regex, $msg) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!; my @contents = <$fh>; close $fh; is grep(/$regex/, @contents) >= 1, 1, $msg; }