Revision history for File-Edit-Portable

1.21    2016-03-07
        - write() now dies if not called with the 'file' param and more than
          one file is currently open with read() (fixes #21)
        - write functions for regex and hex (closes #25)
        - added _convert_recsep(), which consolidates repetitive code (#25)
        - added 'type' param to recsep() and platform_recsep(), returns the
          type of line ending (win, nix, mac, etc) (#25)
        - added _recsep_regex(), returns the regex instead of having it
          peppered throughout the code (#25)
        - added _platform_replace(), replaces file's line endings to platform
          recsep (de-duplicates code)
        - added _strip_ends(), removes all line endings from file (also to
          de-dup code)
        - remove all requirements/uses of File::Spec::Function (closes #27)
        - implemented recsep caching (#22), but after benchmarks, it performed
          worse than no cache, so backed it all out
        - added/updated numerous tests for recsep() and platform_recsep() due
          to new 'type' param (closes #26)
        - update/add other new tests, and small POD fixes/updates

1.20    2016-02-26
        - no functional changes
        - code cleanup, slight refactoring
        - changed from croak() to confess() for better diagnostics

1.19    2016-02-20
        - is_read check in write() is now performed before $copy assignment
          to $file, so that the proper original file's recsep is used
          (fixes #19)

1.18    2016-01-28
        - flock() now disabled for all FreeBSD amd64 versions

1.17    2016-01-26
        - dir() in write mode now does the transform with a file handle instead
          of slurping the entire file into an array (performance) (closes #16)
        - fixed bugtracker link in POD (fixes #17)
        - bumped prereq version of Mock::Sub to 1.06 due to new efficiencies
        - FreeBSD 10.1 and 9.2 amd64 fail on flock() in write(), so we check
          for these versions and skip over the lock (prereq POSIX)

1.16    2016-01-22
        - removed the write() lock test completely (closes #15)
        - platform_recsep() can be used as the custom recsep to write().
          Added tests to confirm this (closes #12)
        - splice() now croaks if the 'line' param is sent in, and it doesn't
          consist of only an integer (closes #10)
        - RHEL vendor .list build files now ignored in MANIFEST (closes #14)
        - splice() now accepts both quoted strings and qr// objects in the
          'find' parameter (closes #13)
        - major POD updates/fixes (closes #11)

1.15    2016-01-18
        - we now LOCK_EX in write() (prereq Fcntl)
        - new build prereqs File::Tempdir and File::Spec for tests
        - cleaned up test data files
        - all temporary test files created with File::Tempdir, removed several
          unlink()s within tests (and their accompanying tests)

1.14    20160115
        - build prereq Mock::Sub 1.01 added
        - test coverage now at 100%

1.13    20151229
        - closes #3; splice() now warns if both 'find' and 'line' params are
          sent in, and 'line' takes precedence (and find isn't used)
        - closes #4; in dir()s write() call, the recsep is now checked with
          defined-or, not for truth

1.12    20151209
        - closes #1; Changes didn't contain 1.10 update
        - POD updates

1.11    20151209
        - fixed issue in POD which broke POD tests using Test::Pod v1.40 
          (preventing packaging into RedHat EL 6). Reported by Denis Fateyev

1.10 	20151120
        - fixed bug in recsep(). It was croaking if it couldn't read a file
          to get a recsep, but it's supposed to just return the
          platform_recsep() in that case

1.09    20151031
        - fixed regex issue where \d] sequences were getting borked

1.08    20151029
        - splice() now takes a 'limit => int' param, limiting how many 'find's
          to insert after. Default is 1, set to 0 to insert after all
        - added tempfile(), returns a writable handle to an empty file
        - fixed logic bug in read() when returning a handle
        - major performance enhancements all over, particularly in retrieving
          a handle from read() when the file already has local recseps

1.07    20151022
        - we're now perl v5.6 compliant due to replacing \R with full string
        - fixed issue when trying to write to a non-existent file
        - write() now accepts a file handle as a value to 'contents' param
        - recsep() and platform_recsep() now both accept an optional string
          param 'hex', which will return the hex representation of the recsep.
          If not supplied, will return the string representation

1.06    20151019
        - removed non-OO interface, it started causing issues
        - added extra layer to recsep internally... it fixes a bug where
          if two files were read before one was written, the recsep of
          the latter file would be incorrectly used. Now, a recsep is saved
          for each file read
        - read() doesn't need 'file => $file' anymore, just the filename as
          a string is required. However, the old API will still work

1.04    2015-10-16
        - removed each() on array to prevent us from having to force
          perl v5.12

1.03    2015-10-16 
        - added splice(), allows splicing in new contents while conforming
          to the existing functionality of the module

1.02    2015-10-14
        - dir() method now uses File::Find::Rule for its ability to 
          specify maxdepth, which we do too
        - dir() takes wildcard globs in 'types' param in accordance with 
        - fixed undef warning bug in recsep() if file is empty. In this case,
          we will return the platform's recsep

1.01    2015-10-13
        - new dir() method, rewrites files recursively

0.10    2015-10-06
        - Travis-CI integration
        - now uses File::Temp (core) for anything requiring a temp file
        - new functions read(), write() exported on demand. pread/pwrite are
          still available
        - performance/efficiency enhancements

0.09    2015-10-01
        - new non-OO functions, pread() and pwrite()

0.08    2015-09-30
        - fixed logic bugs in Makefile.PL, breaking tests on Win32

0.07    2015-09-27
        - new interal _open() method for r/w opens
        - read() can now return a handle in scalar context, which will have
          the native platform's recsep installed
        - new internal _handle() method
        - new public platform_recsep() method, returns the OSs recsep in string

0.06    2015-09-26
        - fixed a couple of bugs in write() if params aren't sent in
        - cleaned up POD, SYNOPSIS was wrong

0.05    2015-09-26
        - write() now accepts 'recsep' parameter, uses this instead of the one
          found by read()

0.04    2015-09-26
        - renamed pread(), pwrite() to read(), write()
        - requires perl v5.10 due to \R

0.02    2015-09-26
        - POD
        - added recsep(), returns string of hex eor 

0.01    2015-09-25
        - pread(), pwrite() completed
        - all tests pass