Revision history for Github-Backup

1.04    2021-11-14
    - We now save open and closed tickets. Open are in backup/issues/repo/open
      and closed in backup/issues/repo/closed

1.03    2021-11-14
    - Added 'auto_pagination => 1' to Pithub instantiation which was limiting
      the number of repositories we operate on to 100 (fixes #3)
    - Added list(), returns a full list of repository objects
    - Added --list, prints to STDOUT the full list of available repository
      objects for the given user
    - Changed github_backup to github-backup
    - We now output information on what repo/issue we're working on
    - Added Hook::Output::Tiny to hide STDERR messages when cloning
    - Added finish(), so we can set up the backup directory before object
    - Added POD for _cleanup
    - Ran Dist::Mgr install for new CI information

1.02    2018-02-12
    - fix missing newline backslash in SYNOPSIS
    - added new "FUTURE DIRECTION" POD heading
    - -h flag is taken as priority in github_backup, and no longer prints
      erroneous warnings for missing args
    - we now properly respect GITHUB_TOKEN env var

1.01    2018-02-11
    - added repos() and issues()
    - added tests
    - added github_backup binary
    - added prereq JSON
    - cleaned up POD tests; we skip accessor sub docs
    - we create repo directories under issues dir only if the repo has any

0.01    Date/time
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
    - added Travis-CI and integration