Revision history for Perl extension Log::Simple
0.05 20160316
- 100% test coverage
- POD completed
- file is now set to append by default (as opposed to write)
(closes #20)
0.04 20160316
- add more tests for new(display => 0/1) and display(0/1)
- new 'name' param and method, for use in display (closes #14)
- new _translate() method, refactored code to use it
- renamed labels() to levels()
- changed timestamp() to use Time::HiRes and gather microseconds for
log timestamp
- added child(), returns a new object with all parents settings, with
'name' param concatenated
0.03 20160316
- added tests for _generate_entry() (closes #5)
- added tests in t/06 for correct message returns
- we can now set level via LS_LEVEL environment variable at any time
(closes #1)
- display() and 'display' param in new() now accepts either a 0 or 1 to
disable/enable all outputs (closes #11)
0.02 20160316
- added display(), allows selecting various tags in print output
- added print(), if disabled, log message will be returned as a string
- added _build(), helper method to generate the log entry
- Travis-CI, integration (closes #3)
- test files for POD and critic (closes #4)
- emerg(), crit(), warn() and err() short names along with full name
- new() allows print param
- added _sub_names(), returns entire list of dynamic subs
- added _level_value(), returns the numeric value of a single level
(closes #7)
- test print attr in new() (closes #6)
- initial code refactoring, uses methods for setters/getters in new()
instead of attrs directly
0.01 20160315
- initial version
- cloned (manually) from Log::Basic and renamed to Log::Simple
- added file() and level() methods
- renamed now() to time()
- added tests for load and init
- added tests for file()
- file() with a param of 0 (zero), closes the current handle
- limit param and method can take either the partial name of the level,
or the appropriate integer
- file() now acts appropriately if no filename is sent in
- added labels(), returns the list of level mappings
- added display(), allows selecting various tags in print output
- added print(), if disabled, log message will be returned as a string
- added _build(), helper method to generate the log entry
- Travis-CI, integration (closes #3)
- test files for POD and critic (closes #4)
- emerg(), crit(), warn() and err() short names along with full name
- new() allows print param