Revision history for Module-CheckDep-Version
0.06 2017-07-20
- modified/clarified documentation, and added warnings about recklessly
bumping prereq version numbers, per RT#122522
- bump prereq of MetaCPAN::Client to 2.017000 (closes #1) (reported by
Slaven Rezic)
0.05 2017-06-26
- fix typo in a POD link in checkdev binary
- fix typo in binary arg handling; was using 'ignore_all' as opposed to
'ignore_any'... doh!
0.04 2017-06-26
- fixed issue where if -h is supplied to binary, we skip checking for a
valid author
- actually included the binary in MANIFEST
0.03 2017-06-26
- added 'checkdep' binary, which is installed along with the module
0.02 2017-06-26
- added ignore_any param, default on, if set to false, we'll ignore all
prereqs that have a version of 0 set
- added Travis CI and badges to POD
0.01 2017-06-26
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.