Revision history for Plugin-Simple

1.00    2018-02-11
        - fix missing closing single quote in SYNOPSIS (closes #10)
        - remove CONTRIBUTING section in POD (closes #9)
        - fix incorrect sub name in POD and warnings (closes #7)
        - added example use case in EXAMPLE (closes #8)

0.07    2016-03-28
        - fixed a missed croak() if a plugin file can't be found, breaking
          tests on certain MSWin platforms

0.06    2016-03-25
        - we now croak if a plugin package can't be found and no default is
          set (closes #4)
        - package in cwd is now loaded properly (closes #5)

0.05    2016-03-22
        - removed _cache()
        - removed _config()
        - updated POD to reflect 'default' option
        - fixed bug where default plugin wasn't being loaded before can() was 
          being tested

0.04    2016-03-21
        - in scalar context, plugins() will return the first plugin found
        - we now use Module::Load to do the dirty work, as ExtUtils::Installed
          relies on .packlist files, which not all modules provide
        - changed certain tests to use local modules instead of skipping
        - added github links into Makefile.PL (thanks Mohammad Anwar (MANWAR))

0.03    2016-03-21
        - fixed github links
        - cleaned up POD errors

0.02    2016-03-21
        - added 'can => [sub1, sub2]' param to plugin()
        - ability to load plugins from a file
        - test coverage 100%

0.01    2016-03-21
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.