Revision history for RPi-HCSR04

2.3601  2017-07-07
        - added github info to Makefile.PL (closes #3)
        - corrected pin numbers in voltage divider section in POD (closes #4)
        - removed 'sudo' requirement from POD (closes #6)
        - renamed all C functions to private, and removed POD that outlined them
        - added '-lrt' to Makefile.PL LIBS to avoid undefined 'shm_open' symbol
        - changed version numbering scheme to be in line with what other of the
          RPi dists use that require the wiringPi library (closes #7)
        - loop in C until we get a value that is within range (0cm-400cm)
          (closes #1)

0.02    2017-01-13
        - POD updates

0.01    2017-01-13
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.