Revision history for Perl extension RPi::WiringPi.

        - wrote RPi::WiringPi::Constant as a standalone module
        - added $SIG{__DIE__} handler so we can clean up properly on die()
        - added 'fatal_exit' new() param for testing
        - we now catch $SIG{INT} as well, with a test
        - new method pin_map(), returns the current pin mapping
        - tests now work on non-Pi boards (if wiringPi lib is installed)
        - implemented 
        - added with methods rev(), wpi_to_gpio(), phys_to_gpio() and

0.02    2016-08-10
        - implemented getAlt() in Core, and in Pin, mode() with no params
          now returns the current mode of the pin
        - added cleanup()

0.01    2016-08-10
        - initial prototype release
        - added
        - added error checking
        - first round of tests
        - NO_BOARD env var