Revision history for Perl extension RPi::WiringPi.
0.99_01 2016-08-16
- feature freeze. All work until 1.00 will be spent writing tests for
everything and ensuring documentation is accurate
- added, added associated methods in both WiringPi
and Pin
- Core::setup_sys() now exports all pins automatically with sudo. This
setup method is now the default if none is specified in new(),
meaning that by default, we now use the BCM pin numbering scheme
- renamed RPi::WiringPi::Core to WiringPi::API
- cleaned up code in Interrupt to deal with the much improved way we
now handle interrupts
- added pin_to_gpio() to Util, returns the BCM representation of a pin
number no matter what scheme is in use
- added interrupt_set() and interrupt_unset() to Pin
0.05 2016-08-13
- renamed WiringPi::pin_map() to gpio_scheme()
- added WiringPi::gpio_map()
- new()'s setup param now accepts 'none', allowing us to pypass the
wiringPi's initialization
- new, moved all utility methods from WiringPi to Util.
WiringPi now only handles SIGs and component objects
- moved all param checking from Core into the respective modules here
to keep Core as close to the C code as possible
0.04 2016-08-11
- added module, for interfacing with LCD displays, along with
a massive update to Core
- changed LED::init() to just pass along the args hash, and let Core
deal with any issues
0.03 2016-08-11
- wrote RPi::WiringPi::Constant as a standalone module
- added $SIG{__DIE__} handler so we can clean up properly on die()
- added 'fatal_exit' new() param for testing
- we now catch $SIG{INT} as well, with a test
- new method pin_map(), returns the current pin mapping
- tests now work on non-Pi boards (if wiringPi lib is installed)
- implemented
- added with methods rev(), wpi_to_gpio(), phys_to_gpio() and
0.02 2016-08-10
- implemented getAlt() in Core, and in Pin, mode() with no params
now returns the current mode of the pin
- added cleanup()
0.01 2016-08-10
- initial prototype release
- added
- added error checking
- first round of tests
- NO_BOARD env var