Revision history for Tesla-Vehicle
0.02 2022-03-19
- Upper-cased method headers in POD
- _online_check() "not awake" warning now only executes if auto_wake is
- Added charging_stations_nearby()
- Added several command methods to actually operate the vehicle
- Updated Tesla::API to accept body content parameters for the new command
methods, therefore bumped prereq to v0.03
0.01 2022-03-18
- Auto generated distribution with Dist::Mgr
- Added basic core and some additional functionality
- Added checking for online status in calls that require the car being
online to retrieve data from it
- Added auto_wake()
- Added wake()
- Added several 'summary' methods
- Added drive_state() and several accessor methods
- Added climate_state() and related attribute access methods
- Added vehicle_config()