Revision history for Perl extension WiringPi::API.
- removed all traces of Software PWM from code and documentation, as
even Gordon himself advises not to use it
- added file information and copyright to the .h and .xs files
- fix bug in i2c_write_word(), $data param wasn't being sent in, which
resulted in an argument error being thrown from the wiringPi
- putting out as a trial. There are issues with RPi to Arduino I2C
2.3609 2017-03-26
- fix unicode POD error
- fix declaration issue for digitalReadByte2()
- add a 0.02 second delay in pull_up_down(), as it wasn't returning
fast enough to re-init the pin (this broke interrupts)
2.3608 2017-03-13
- clarified POD for lcd_put_char() and lcd_char_def()
- clean up test XS code
- remove all code related to creating threads. That's out of scope for
this project (closes #2)
- moved all XS/C declarations into a separate API.h file from API.xs
- changed versioning scheme from 2.36.x to 2.360x
2.36.7 2017-03-09
- disable tests when not on a Pi board (within a BEGIN block)
- added INLINE.h to MANIFEST file (re-closes #8)
- fix bug in lcd_init(), where we weren't extracting the values from the
argument hash, thereby too many args were being passed into lcdInit()
C function (closes #27)
- added a workaround for lcd_char_def(). For some reason, we need to
print a zero-width char before calling the C function lcdCharDef().
One day I'll need to sort out why (closes #26)
- in lcd_char_def(), changed from "V0C*" to "C[8]" for pack()
- removed duplicate test declaration in t/00-load.t
- removed the :wiringPi and :perl export tags from POD, we only
advertise :all now, which only exports the Perl functions (all are
still available in code though)
2.36.6 2017-02-22
- added in I2C support (work on #22)
- fix a boatload of C warnings due to functions not being pre-declared
(work on #25)
- added -lrt to LIBS in Makefile.PL to correct a "shm_open() undefined
symbol" error when testing with "make test" (closes #25)
- removed taint from tests
- added $state param for lcd_cursor_blink() in POD (closes #24)
- fix miniscule POD error (closes #17)
- added "barometric" to the POD's bmp180 section (closes #16)
- POD typo fix (closes #15)
- replaced BCM with GPIO in POD (closes #14)
- fix output constant in get_alt() in POD (PWM_OUT) (closes #13)
2.36.5 2017-02-13
- lower-cased Inline functions in XS file
2.36.4 2017-01-26
- modified spiDataRW(). It now returns a Perl array containing the same
number of elements as was sent in. A write aref is sent in (with
dummy bytes in each element) for the size of array you want back that
contains the read data (fixes #23)
2.36.3 2017-01-22
- changed TOC to "TABLE OF CONTENTS" in POD (closes #18)
- modified dist description in POD
- added blurb in softpwm section that this functionality is quite
- removed the code that skipped over the first interrupt in XS, as
the new wiringPi corrected the issue internally
- added POD for ads1115_setup()
- added test file for wiringPi's representation of the ADS1115 ADC
- added support for communicating on the SPI bus (spi_setup() and
- added spiDataRW() (C), which wraps wiringPiSPIDataRW() so that we
can accept an AV* (aref) before transforming it into the proper
unsigned char* before sending it to wiringPiSPIDataRW()
2.36.2 2017-01-19
- added function table of contents to POD
- added declaration of custom wiringPiVersion() in XS, but left it
commented out as it will break CPAN installs at this time
- added version.patch file in patches/, patch sent to Gordon
- all four setup routines added to test/
- added in wiringPi's support for the Adafruit ADS1115 analog to digital
converter (I'm going to do a rewrite of this code to support 1015, as
well as allowing all ADC options to be configurable, and hope it gets
included in the next wiringPi cut)
- added docs/, which includes Fritzing diagrams and schematics
- added DEVELOPER FUNCTIONS section in POD for dev testing of private,
unpublished or unreleased functions
- added pseudoPinsSetup() for testing purposes
- reworded POD for setup() routines, as we no longer require root level
access to run our scripts (yay!)
- wrote test/, fully tests the hardware PWM functionality
- added test/, testing for pull up/down internal resistors
- changed board_rev() references in POD to gpio_layout() (fixes #9)
- added test/, test all pin translation functions
- added pinModeAlt() as a developer function (allows setting any pin to
any valid mode)
- added digitalReadByte(), digitalReadByte2(), digitalWriteByte() and
digitalWriteByte2() as developer functions. Reads and writes an 8-bit
byte to/from the first and second bank of eight GPIO pins respectively
- added setup tests, since an issue was found that causes some calls to
crash the system (journal, RO), added root checks. Notes taken on
sourcing the issue(s)
2.36.1 2017-01-15
- changed version numbering scheme. x.yy.z: x.yy represents the version
of wiringPi we fully support, and z represents updates to this Perl
- renamed examples/ to samples/ so they don't show up on the CPAN's
front page for the distribution
- added exports for physPinToWpi() and phys_to_wpi() to correct a test
2.36 2017-01-14
- major updates, we now require wiringPi v2.36+
- changed version numbering scheme. We now match the wiringPi version
number that we fully support
- changed piBoardRev() to piGpioLayout(), and board_rev() to
gpio_laout() per changes in wiringPi.c/h
- added analogRead()/analog_read() and analogWrite()/analog_write() to
support the BMP180 sensor
- added bmp180_setup()/bmp180Setup()
- added bmp180_temp() and bmp180_pressure()
- added POD for all the new functionality
1.05 2017-01-13
- added support for the SR74HC595 shift register (shift_reg_setup() for
Perl, and the original sr595Setup())
- added examples/ for the shift register code
1.04 2016-08-22
- implemented softPwmCreate(), softPwmWrite() and softPwmStop(), perl:
soft_pwm_create(), soft_pwm_write(), soft_pwm_stop()
- interrupts now work; added code to stop the erroneous extra call to
the handler on first interrupt
1.03 2016-08-18
- fixed call to SetupGpio(), case was wrong
- renamed gpio_scheme() call to pin_scheme()
- removed erroneous call to external module (pin_scheme())
- POD cleanup, re-worded $pin descriptions, and fixed up setup*()
routine explanations
1.02 2016-08-16
- removed references to wiringPi pin numbering scheme being the default
- added clarification in setup*() routine POD
1.00 2016-08-16
- new export tags, :wiringPi exports the originally named wiringPi
functions directly from XS. :perl exports the Perl representation
of the functions, and :all exports them all
- setup_sys() now exports all BCM pins with a system call with sudo,
which alleviates the need to run as user root
- interrupt code now implemented and working
- renamed to WiringPi::API
0.06 2016-08-13
- moved arg validation out of Core and into upper-layer client
software. The idea is to keep this module as close to the C code
as possible, so if this module is used directly, C will handle the
- wrote custom physPinToWpi() C function, and added a phys_to_wpi()
- we now shift off the object or class name if it is present in all
sub calls
- all parameter error handling out, and put it into the upper layers...
we now pretty much call the C functions directly with little overhead
0.05 2016-08-11
- added all of the wiringPiDev shared library LCD functions, and
mapped them in ::Core
0.04 2016-08-10
- wiringPiSetupPhys() has been implemented
- added piBoardRev(), wpiPinToGpio(), physPinToGpio() and pwmSetRange()
- added Perl->C mappings in POD
0.03 2016-08-10
- added repo info to Makefile.PL
- added get_alt(), maps to C getAlt(). This returns the current mode
of a pin. Why it's not called getMode() is beyond me ;)
0.02 2016-08-10
- added notices to POD
- added POD for pwm_write()
0.01 2016-08-10
- separated out from RPi::WiringPi
- most core and system functions implemented