#/usr/bin/env perl use Test::Most; use JSON::Karabiner; do './t/utility_funcs.pl'; my $tests = 10; # keep on line 17 for ,i (increment and ,d (decrement) plan tests => $tests; my ($obj, $def) = gen_def('from'); dies_ok { $def->add_consumer_key_code } 'can add consumer key code'; lives_ok { $def->add_consumer_key_code('blah') } 'can add consumer key code'; dies_ok { $def->add_any('key_code') } 'dies if you try to add mutually exclusive properties'; dies_ok { $def->add_key_code('7') } 'dies if you try to add mutually exclusive properties'; dies_ok { $def->add_pointing_button('left') } 'dies if you try to add mutually exclusive properties'; lives_ok { $def->add_optional_modifiers('any') } 'can add modifiers'; lives_ok { $def->add_mandatory_modifiers('command', 'right_shift') } 'can add modifiers'; dies_ok { $def->add_mandatory_modifiers('command', 'right_shift') } 'cannot re-add modifiers'; lives_ok { $def->add_simultaneous('key_code', 'a', 'b', 'c') } 'can add simultaneous'; lives_ok { $def->add_simultaneous('consumer_key_code', 'a', 'b', 'c') } 'can add simultaneous'; $obj->_dump_json;