1.20 - Wed 15 Dec 2004
* Just upped the version number, to fix some issues with CGI::Kwiki
1.19 - Wed 21 July 2004
* Removed accidentally-included experimental patches
1.18 - Tue 20 July 2004
* Downgraded dependencies to work with Perl 5.6.1
* Fix to delete_term
1.17 - Tue 27 Apr 2004
* Plucene::Search::Hits::hit_doc should call _get_more_hits not get_more_docs
(thanks to Kjetil Fikkan for pointing it out)
1.16 - Mon 12 Apr 2004
* not released
1.15 - Mon 29 Mar 2004
* Remove some needless prereqs.
* Removal of Class::HasA completely
* Remove use of 'catfile'
1.14 - thu Mar 25 2004
* Put Encode::compat in a BEGIN block in the Store classes.
* Change the Build.PL to need Encode::compat if < 5.6
1.13 - Thu Mar 25 2004
* Remove Encode::compat.
1.12 - Tue Mar 23 2004
* Put back Encode::compat
1.11 - Tue Mar 23 2004
* More speed up patches (thanks to Marty Pauley and Tony Bowden)
1.10 - Thu Mar 18 2004
* Include the test left out for the bug in 1.08
1.09 - Wed Mar 17 2004
* Now allows documents of id 0 to be deleted correctly! (Thanks to Steve Rushe for pointing this out)
1.08 - Wed Mar 17 2004
* Some speed ups in InputStream (thanks to Marty Pauley)
1.07 - Web Feb 18 2004
* Allowed the changing of mergefactor
1.06 - Tue Feb 17 2004
* Checked $] in Build.pl to decide if to use Encode::compat
* Added create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' to Build.PL
* moved from dist_name to module_name to stop warning when running Makefile.PL
1.05 - Fri Feb 13 2004
* Remove commented out line in Plucene::Store::InputStream
* Removed hardcoded /tmp index directories, moved to File::Temp
* Removed system() calls from tests
1.04 - Fri Feb 06 2004
* Doc change to clarify what optimize() does to a writer
* Removed tell call from Plucene::Store::InputStream::read_byte
1.03 - Thu Feb 05 2004
* Added in use of Enocde::compat to ensure works with < 5.7
(thanks to Simon Cozens)
* Added Plucene::Index::IndexSearcher::close()
1.02 - Wed Feb 04 2004
* Speed up sort (thanks to Tony Bowden)
* Move from Class::Accessor to Class::Accessor::Fast (thank to Tony again)
* StandardAnalyzer should be a subclass of Analyzer!
* StandardTokenizer now tokenizes correctly
* IndexSearcher should call TopDocs with a hashref and named keys if no scorer.
1.01 - Tue Feb 03 2004
* Doc fixes to Plucene.pm, bin/dump_index and README
* Remove Lucene::QueryParser from the tests
* Added this Changes file.
1.0 - Mon Feb 02 2004
* Initial release to CPAN