package Dancer::Engine;

# This is the base-class of every engine abstract class.
# This allow us to put in that single place the engine creation
# from a namespace and a name, to its configuration initialization.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Dancer::ModuleLoader;
use base 'Dancer::Object';

# constructor arguments:
#      name     => $name_of_the_engine
#      settings => $hash_of_engine_settings
Dancer::Engine->attributes(qw(name type));

# Accessor to the config hash, it may not be initialized if someone
# creates a new engine without giving the appropriate arguments.
# e.g. Dancer::Template::Simple->new();
sub config {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{config} if defined $self->{config};
    $self->{config} = {};

# static method for initializing an engine
# this will create an engine instance of the appropriate $type, named $name
# if Dancer::$type::$name exists.
sub build {
    my ($class, $type, $name, $config) = @_;

    croak "cannot build engine without type and name "
      unless $name and $type;

    my $class_name = $class->_engine_class($type);

    $config ||= {};
    $config->{engines} ||= {};
    my $settings = $config->{engines}{$name} || {};

    # trying to load the engine
    my $engine_class =
      Dancer::ModuleLoader->class_from_setting($class_name => $name);

    croak "unknown $type engine '$name', "
      . "perhaps you need to install $engine_class?"
      unless Dancer::ModuleLoader->load($engine_class);

    # creating the engine
    return $engine_class->new(
        name   => $name,
        type   => $type,
        config => $settings,

sub _engine_class {
    my ($class, $type) = @_;
    $type = ucfirst($type);
    return "Dancer::${type}";

sub engine {
    my ($class, $type) = @_;
    return $class->_engine_class($type)->engine();




=head1 NAME

Dancer::Engine - base class for Dancer engines


    my $engine = Dancer::Engine->build( Serializer => 'JSON', $configuration );


Dancer has various engines such Serializer engines, Template engines, Logger
engines and Session handlers engines. This is the base class for all Dancer

If you're writing an engine of a common type (such as those mentioned above),
you probably want to simply use their base class, which in turn use
L<Dancer::Engine>. For example, Template engines inherit from
L<Dancer::Template::Abstract> and Serializer engines inherit from
L<Dancer::Serializer::Abstract>. Those I<Abstract> base classes inherit from

If a new type of Dancer engine is created, it is best it inherits from this


=head2 name

The name of the engine, such as I<JSON>, or I<Simple>.

=head2 type

The type of the engine, such as I<Serializer>, or I<Session>.


=head2 config

Fetches the configuration of the engine.

    my $configuration = $engine->config;

You can B<only> set the configuration at initialization time, not after.

=head2 build

Builds and returns the engine.

    my $engine = Dancer::Engine->build( $type => $name, $config );

=head1 AUTHOR

Alexis Sukrieh


Copyright 2009-2010 Alexis Sukrieh.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.