#ABSTRACT: Pure Perl 5 template engine for Dancer

package Dancer::Template::Simple;
    $Dancer::Template::Simple::VERSION = '1.9999_02';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use Moo;
use Dancer::FileUtils 'read_file_content';

with 'Dancer::Core::Role::Template';

has start_tag => (
    is      => 'rw',
    default => sub {'<%'},

has stop_tag => (
    is      => 'rw',
    default => sub {'%>'},

sub _build_name {'Simple'}

sub BUILD {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $settings = $self->config;

    $settings->{$_} and $self->$_($settings->{$_})
      for qw/ start_tag stop_tag /;

sub render {
    my ($self, $template, $tokens) = @_;
    my $content;

    $content = read_file_content($template);
    $content = $self->parse_branches($content, $tokens);

    return $content;

sub parse_branches {
    my ($self, $content, $tokens) = @_;
    my ($start, $stop) = ($self->start_tag, $self->stop_tag);

    my @buffer;
    my $prefix             = "";
    my $should_bufferize   = 1;
    my $bufferize_if_token = 0;

#    $content =~ s/\Q${start}\E(\S)/${start} $1/sg;
#    $content =~ s/(\S)\Q${stop}\E/$1 ${stop}/sg;

    # we get here a list of tokens without the start/stop tags
    my @full = split(/\Q$start\E\s*(.*?)\s*\Q$stop\E/, $content);

    # and here a list of tokens without variables
    my @flat = split(/\Q$start\E\s*.*?\s*\Q$stop\E/, $content);

    # eg: for 'foo=<% var %>'
    #   @full = ('foo=', 'var')
    #   @flat = ('foo=')

    my $flat_index = 0;
    my $full_index = 0;
    for my $word (@full) {

        # flat word, nothing to do
        if (defined $flat[$flat_index]
            && ($flat[$flat_index] eq $full[$full_index]))
            push @buffer, $word if $should_bufferize;

        my @to_parse = ($word);
        @to_parse = split(/\s+/, $word) if $word =~ /\s+/;

        for my $w (@to_parse) {

            if ($w eq 'if') {
                $bufferize_if_token = 1;
            elsif ($w eq 'else') {
                $should_bufferize = !$should_bufferize;
            elsif ($w eq 'end') {
                $should_bufferize = 1;
            elsif ($bufferize_if_token) {
                my $bool = _find_value_from_token_name($w, $tokens);
                $should_bufferize = _interpolate_value($bool) ? 1 : 0;
                $bufferize_if_token = 0;
            elsif ($should_bufferize) {
                my $val =
                  _interpolate_value(_find_value_from_token_name($w, $tokens));
                push @buffer, $val;


    return join "", @buffer;

sub _find_value_from_token_name {
    my ($key, $tokens) = @_;
    my $value = undef;

    my @elements = split /\./, $key;
    foreach my $e (@elements) {
        if (not defined $value) {
            $value = $tokens->{$e};
        elsif (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
            $value = $value->{$e};
        elsif (ref($value)) {
            local $@;
            eval { $value = $value->$e };
            $value = "" if $@;
    return $value;

sub _interpolate_value {
    my ($value) = @_;
    if (ref($value) eq 'CODE') {
        local $@;
        eval { $value = $value->() };
        $value = "" if $@;
    elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
        $value = "@{$value}";

    $value = "" if not defined $value;
    return $value;




=head1 NAME

Dancer::Template::Simple - Pure Perl 5 template engine for Dancer

=head1 VERSION

version 1.9999_02


This template engine is provided as a default one for the Dancer micro

This template engine should be fine for development purposes but is not a
powerful one, it's written in pure Perl and has no C bindings to accelerate the
template processing.

If you want to power an application with Dancer in production environment, it's
strongly advised to switch to Dancer::Template::TemplateToolkit.

=head1 SYNTAX

A template written for Dancer::Template::Simple should be working just fine with
Dancer::Template::TemplateToolkit. The opposite is not true though.

=over 4

=item B<variables>

To interpolate a variable in the template, use the following syntax:

    <% var1 %>

If 'var1' exists in the tokens hash given, its value will be written there.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Dancer>, L<Dancer::Template>

=head1 AUTHOR

Dancer Core Developers


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alexis Sukrieh.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
