Revision history for Dancer2-Plugin-LiteBlog
0.03 2023-11-02
* New route to render static assets in article's directory (eg:
* New method <render_client_error> to properly render 404 in Liteblog's
look and feel.
* If 'navigation' is set, on mobile displays, a hamburger menu is
displayed. When the user clicks on it, the navigation items are
displayed as a popup menu.
* Widgets now log what they do in Dancer2's logging system.
* (CSS) Blog post header has a nice styling even when no feature image
is set.
* (CSS) Activities cards are now fixed to a maximum of 3 cards per row,
with a maximum width of 320px and minimum width of 280px;
* (CSS) Use CSS variables for common colors in liteblog.css to ease
theming changes.
* The provided article is a little documentation about the 'Blog'
widget, with guidelines on how to edit the article.
* (CSS) Images adapt their width to small screens.
* All routes for articles, pages, categories are now forced to their
trailing slash version (/some/article/). Requests to the version
without a trailing / are redirected. Needed to allow images loeaded
locally from article locations.
* (CSS) Activities Cards sizes are now stable to 280px. Responsiveness
is good now.
* (CSS) blog-cards sizes are now stable (420px max). Responsiveness is
good now.
* Fix article->image accessor to return proper permalinks if the meta
value of the 'image' parameter is relative.
* It's now possible to mount the Blog widget to the root of the site
(/). This was causing many bugs in permalinks generation. Fixed now.
0.02 2023-10-31
* Feature 'highlight' can be set to include the Highligh JS library.
* Navigation Bar: possible to configure navigation links in the liteblog
settings. If present (as an array of hash containing a link and a
label), each element will be displayed in the navigation bar.
Currently only visible in the single-page layout.
* ship bin/liteblog-scaffold (was not in 0.01)
* with more information.
* Better design for the blog post page
0.01 2023-10-30
* All public Classes are documented.
* bin/liteblog-scaffold to generate views and assets in a Dancer2 app
* Default routes loaded when using the plugin for a landing page (/) and
blog-related routes (/blog/cat/slug, ...)
* Activities card to show off hobby, social networks, profesional links…
* Widgets are generic classes that allow for unlimited extensibility in
the future (Activities and Blog are implementing it).