2015/05/13 0.013
- add even more tests for dubious content-length
2015/05/03 0.012
- add more tests with chunking and more dubious content-length
2013/07/09 0.011
- added tests with dubious content-length
2013/07/02 0.010
- add script to ping back within iframe to see, if iframe was loaded unchanged
2013/07/02 0.009
- simplify code, remove redundant code
- log access with timestamp 
- add ping back via xmlhttrequest to check if script can get loaded
2013/07/02 0.008
- added tests with unknown content-encodings
2013/07/01 0.007
- added tests with multiple content-encodings
2013/07/01 0.006
- added tests with content-encoding and transfer-encoding with various
2013/06/30 0.005
- single part response with content-transfer-encoding base64
2013/06/24 0.004
- work with "normalized" urls, where "," got URL-encoded
2013/06/24 0.003
- added test for range header
2013/06/10 0.002
- first workable version: tests for chunking and multipart messages