0.600 2015/10/31
- detect if object gets re-blessed and unregister the previous incarnation
  before registering the new one
0.5 2012/02/15
- use overload::StrVal when printing out references to the object
  to work around overloaded stringification which can have unwanted
  side effects
0.4 2010/11/01
- new options -timestamp,-size,-sizediff to get timestamps and
  information about sizes and size changes in objects using
  Devel::Size. Thanks to DetlefPilzecker[AT]web[DOT]de for
  ideas and initial patch
- new function track_object, which can be used to track objects
  manually for cases where not all objects of a class should be
  tracked or if the object were created outside of perl
- verify in Makefile.PL, that the weaken from Scalar::Util is
  usable (was not supported in old perl versions)
- bugfix for not compiled regex (given from cmdline)
- better documentation 

- initial release