# sample IMP plugin to log formulare data
# e.q query_string and POST data

use strict;
use warnings;
package Net::IMP::HTTP::Example::LogFormData;
use base 'Net::IMP::HTTP::Connection';
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

use fields (
    'rqbuf',  # buffered data from request
    'req',    # HTTP::Request object for request header
    'info',   # collection of infos for logging after request end
    'btype',  # content type from request body, eg. 
              # application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data

use Net::IMP qw(:DEFAULT :log); # constants
require HTTP::Request;
use Net::IMP::Debug;

sub RTYPES {
    # we don't change anything but need to analyze, so we can PREPASS
    # everything initially until Inf and later upgrade it to PASS
    # because we are only interested in request header and body, data 
    # from server can be passed from the beginning
    return ( 
	IMP_DENY,    # on parsing errors
	IMP_LOG,     # somewhere to log the info about form data

sub new_analyzer {
    my ($class,%args) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new_analyzer(%args);
	# prepass all from request
	# we don't even need to look at response
    return $self;

sub request_hdr {
    my ($self,$hdr) = @_;
    my $req = $self->{req} = HTTP::Request->parse($hdr) or do {
	# failed to parse
	    [ IMP_DENY,0,"failed to parse request header" ]);

    $self->{rqbuf} = '';
    $self->{info} = undef;
    $self->{btype} = undef;

    if ( my @qp = $req->uri->query_form ) {
	#debug("got query_string @qp");
	my @param;
	for(my $i=0;$i<@qp;$i+=2 ) {
	    push @param,[ $qp[$i], $qp[$i+1] ];
	$self->{info}{'header.query_string'} = \@param

    my $ct = $req->content_type;
    if ( $ct && $req->method eq 'POST' and 
	$ct ~~ ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded','multipart/form-data']
	#debug("got content-type $ct");
	$self->{btype} = $ct;
    } else {
	# no need to analyze further
	my $len = $req->content_length // 0;
	#debug("no or no interesting body");
	$self->_log_formdata() if $self->{info};
	$self->{rqbuf} = ''; # throw away
	$self->run_callback( [ IMP_PASS,0, $self->offset(0) + $len ]);

sub request_body {
    my ($self,$data,$offset) = @_;
    $offset and die "gaps should not happen";

    if (( $data//'') eq '' ) {
	# eof
	# parse body if necessary
	#debug("eof on $dir");
	if ( ! $self->{btype} ) {
	} elsif ( $self->{btype} eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) {
	    my @param;
	    for( split( /\&/,$self->{rqbuf}) ) {
		my ($k,$v) = split('=',$_,2);
		for($k,$v) {
		    defined($_) or next;
		    s{\+}{ }g;
		    s{%([\da-fA-F]{2})}{ chr(hex($1)) }esg;
		push @param,[$k,$v];
	    $self->{info}{'body.urlencoded'} = \@param;
	} elsif ( $self->{btype} eq 'multipart/form-data' ) {
	    my (undef,$boundary) = $self->{req}->header('content-type') 
	    if ( ! $boundary ) {
		    "missing boundary for multipart/form-data"
	    # we might use MIME:: heere, but this would be yet another non-CORE
	    # dependency :(
	    # this is quick and dirty and we just skip param on errors, but 
	    # this is just a demo!
	    my @param;
	    for my $part ( split( 
		$self->{rqbuf} )) {
		$part =~m{\A(.*?(\r?\n))\2(.*)}s or next;
		my ($hdr,$v) = ($1,$3);
		my ($cd) = $hdr =~m{^Content-Disposition:[ \t]*(.*(?:\r?\n[ \t].*)*)}mi
		    or do {
		    debug("no content-disposition in multipart header: $hdr");
		$cd =~s{\r?\n}{}g;
		my $name = $cd =~m{;\s*name=(?:\"([^\"]+)\"|([^\s\";]+))} && ($1||$2);
		$name or do {
		    debug("no name in content-disposition in multipart header: $hdr");
		my $fname = $cd =~m{;\s*filename=(?:\"([^\"]+)\"|([^\s\";]+))} && ($1||$2);
		$v =~s{\r?\n\Z}{};
		$v = "UPLOAD:$fname (".length($v)." bytes)" if $fname; # don't display content of file
		push @param, [$name,$v];
	    $self->{info}{'body.multipart'} = \@param;
	} else {
	    # should not happen, we set btype only if we can handle the type
	    die "unhandled POST content-type $self->{btype}"

    } elsif ( $self->{btype} ) {
	# add to buf to analyze later
	$self->{rqbuf} .= $data;

# these should not be reached
sub response_hdr {}
sub response_body {}
sub any_data {}
sub chunk_header {}
sub chunk_trailer {}

sub _log_formdata {
    my $self = shift;
    my $info = $self->{info} or return;
    # report form information if any, preferable as YAML, but fall back to
    # Data::Dumper, which is in core
    my $text;
    if ( eval { require YAML } ) {
	$text = YAML::Dump($info)
    } elsif ( eval { require YAML::Tiny } ) {
	$text = YAML::Tiny::Dump($info)
    } elsif ( eval { require Data::Dumper }) {
	$text = Data::Dumper->new([$info])->Terse(1)->Dump;
    } else {
	# Data::Dumper is perl core!
	die "WTF, not even Data::Dumper is installed?";
    $self->run_callback([ IMP_LOG,0,0,0,IMP_LOG_INFO,$text ]);
    $self->{info} = undef;


=head1 NAME

Net::IMP::HTTP::Example::LogFormData - IMP plugin to log formular uploads


This plugin analyses HTTP requests for formular uploads, e.g. POSTs with
content-types application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data and GETs
with a query_string.

Information about fields and their values will be extracted and logged using 
IMP_LOG with priority INFO. For file uploads only intended filename and file
size will be logged.

=head1 AUTHOR

Steffen Ullrich <sullr@cpan.org>