0.604 2021/02/26
- change bugtracker in Makefile.PL to github
0.603 2014/09/07
- mark Net::FTP 2.79 as a valid base too, based on patch from
kimmo[AT]suominen[DOT]com, https://github.com/noxxi/p5-net-inet6glue/pull/3
0.602 2014/01/17
- fix t/01_inet_is_inet6.t
0.601 2014/01/14
- add support for IO::Socket::IP instead of IO::Socket::INET6 and prefer it
0.600_1 2013/05/31
- set AUTHOR in Makefile.PL back from array to string, because array is
only supported in newer ExtUtils::MakeMaker versions
0.6 2013/05/30
- add more meta information to Makefile.PL, based on patch from ktdreyer
0.5 2011/02/25
- fix for IO::Socket::INET6 >=2.67
0.4 2010/02/16
- fix EPRT in Net::INET6Glue::FTP so that it can also be used
with IPv4 (when eprt is explicitly called)
0.3 2009/01/17
- make it work on perl5.10.0
0.2 2008/12/27
- ftp test, small fixes
0.1 2008/12/27
- initial relase