
If you have CGI scripts that use QuickForm they will run as-is under mod_perl
using Apache::Registry.

From v1.75 you can also run QuickForm under pure mod_perl, i.e. without using
Apache::Registry. You do have to modify the scripts slightly but this is
documented in the pod and also in the new example6 which has been added.
QuickForm is not specifically optimised for pure mod_perl, i.e. it doesn't
make use of the Apache request object, but should still deliver far better


Marcel Dorenbos spotted a bug in example4 which I've now corrected.


Preliminary experiments with mod_perl. Using Apache::Registry seems fine; but
outside of that does not work. Problem is that between form reloads (sometimes
even before the first reload) we get a handler not found error; simply
reloading solves the problem but is hardly a solution... hopefully once I
understand mod_perl better will fix, but if anyone figures it out I'll be
happy to include their fixes.


Updated example4 to make it a tiny bit more generic along lines suggested by
Marcel Dorenbos.


Corrected an error, identified by Lou Hevly, in the second example given in
the pod. Added -SPACE option, suggested by Lou Hevly, which includes some
whitespace in the HTML generated by QuickForm (but not by CGI.pm) to aid


Corrected an error, identified by Michael Ziege, in the first example given in
the pod. 


Corrected the tarball so that make test will now work.


Fixed two bugs introduced with the greater style versatility.

Cedric Scott requested that style options could be applied to individual rows,
not just to all rows and supplied a patch. This was clearly a good idea but
instead of only allowing styles to be applied on a per-field (i.e. per row)
basis the new style options I've implemented allow for style to be applied on
a per cell basis i.e. each label and each value, separately. The existing
style options continue to work as before since they apply `globally'. But you
can now over-ride them per-row or per-cell. See the -STYLE_DESC, -STYLE_ROW,
-STYLE_FIELDNAME and -STYLE_FIELDVALUE options under the Styles section of the
pod. Example 5 has been updated slightly to reflect the new usage and is now
truly garish.


Added quickform.t. All this does is check that the module loads. Suggestions
(or better still code) to add to the test module is welcome.


Made all hand generated HTML in QuickForm XHTML compliant (but your version of
CGI.pm might not be).
Updated the examples to be XHTML compliant too.


Alex Bransby-Williams pointed out that applying a style to buttons did not
work in a popular browser, so now -STYLE_BUTTONS can either be in-line style
(which will be put in <STYLE> tags), or 'CENTER' which will cause
<CENTER>..buttons..</CENTER> to be output.


Konrad Riedel corrected the German translations. Konrad also supplied a code
snippet for having a -INTRO option (for users of -TITLE) which I have now

I have placed an introductory article at


Minor documentation correction.


Form-level error messages are now displayed before the required/invalid fields

Added -BORDER form-level option. The default is zero (no border), but can now
be set, e.g. to 1. This is useful if you use the new -DESC field-level option
which allows you to place some short descriptive text above each field. (Got
the idea from an article on the BYTE web site.)

Added -TABLE_OPTIONS so that you can change the style of the table. 
Added -STYLE_ROW, -STYLE_DESC and -STYLE_WHY so that you can change the style
of the rows, descriptions and error messages. 
(See example5).


Fixed some bugs introduced in 1.56 (please use earlier or later versions
instead). 1.57 is now the current version and is recommended.


Added new -LANGUAGE option, 'cy' welsh. Thanks to Catherine Dixon and Ed


Added ability to create a button which resets the form to its default values.
(See -DEFAULTS option of -BUTTONS). 

Added user-definable styles (or classes) with the options:

Thanks to Alex Bransby-Williams for the suggestions.

Updated linux-help (example3) to show these options in practice.


Minor documentation clarification regarding -BUTTONS.


Minor documentation clarification regarding query strings in the -CHECK

Added a fourth example - this one shows how to use QuickForm with DBI to
provide simple add/edit/delete/list records. 


Bug fix: no longer show labels for hidden fields.


Added -CHECK option: this allows you to create URLs to a form that have
different sets of default values without triggering validation until the user
actually presses a button. Again thanks to Paul Johnston.

Added 3 (barely documented!) example scripts - they are not "production
quality", and are provided solely to show various approaches to using


If the user enters invalid data we flagged it with * but that was it. Now you
can add a textual explanation of why the data is invalid and this will appear
to the right of any invalid fields. This is achieved by returning a two
element array from your validation routines. (Existing code will work fine so
no need to change anything.) See the pod for examples.


Bug fixes on the -CLEAN option; documentation corrections, e.g. to the
&cleanup example. Added a new option: you can now have as many buttons as you
want using the new -BUTTONS option. Again thanks to Paul for the suggestion.


Added -CLEAN option. This lets you specify a subroutine to be executed on any
field that has been validated (providing the whole form is valid) to clean it
up, e.g. make it all upper case or delete spurious whitespace, etc. Thanks to
Paul Johnston for the suggestion.


Corrected documentation error. 


Added -LANGUAGE options 'fr' (french) and 'de' (german) - translation was by
Babelfish so it they're wrong please let me know!


Corrected some documentation errors. Added some new options so that you can
default the size of every textfield and textarea (but still override the
defaults individually of course), see the -SIZE, -MAXLENGTH, -ROWS and
-COLUMNS options. 


Instead of calling QuickForm::run, you now call show_form. (This is because of
a mistake made in earlier versions regarding QuickForm's package which has now
been corrected. Sorry for this inconvenience.)


Now use language of 'en' for english (although 'english' is supported for
backward compatibility). 


Corrected Makefile.PL plus minor improvements to the code and documentation.


Version 1.00.


Created. Thanks to Paul Johnston for the idea.