1999/02/15 Fixed a bug in pixmaped-xpm where colours which had names which
included whitespace were not recognised and therefore converted to
transparent. (Incidentally this was a problem with the
ColourChooser dialog which has also been fixed.)
1999/02/17 Deleted a bit of non-working code that was supposed to change the
cursor depending on context and put in working code throughout.
Also found a tiny bug in ColourChooser which has been fixed:
thanks to Jurgen Ibelgaufts for the sample xpm which uncovered it.
1999/02/20 Added the ability to read xbm and gif images and write gif images.
This has been achieved by using the GD library. (If you don't have
GD the program will still run fine - you just won't have the extra
1999/02/21 Image resizing has now been implemented.
1999/02/22 * Added clean exit if you close any windows.
* Stopped obsessively centering windows.
-- Thanks to Jurgen for those.
* Speeded up loading images.
* Can now draw by dragging the mouse - improves usability!
* Added an icon - created using Pixmaped of course - how you get
your window manager to recognise it is another matter...
I've just bought the Emu book - it'll take me a while to get
through, but hopefully the code will be improved and the
outstanding functions implemented after that.
1999/02/23 Should now work properly with Windows.
1999/02/28 * X command line options e.g. -geometry now work.
* Undo implemented.
* Cut/Copy/Paste implemented.
* Draw oval, rectangle and line implemented.
* Draw filled rectangle implemented.
* Help has now been fleshed out and is read from pod data.
* Canvas now has scrollbars.
* Faster and less memory-hungry than the alpha and beta versions.
1999/03/01 Added clipboard methods so that you can copy/paste between
instances. Doesn't work though, so commented out.
1999/03/07 * Added postscript as a native output format.
* Added support for Image::Magick.pm - if you have this you can now
read/write all the formats that Image::Magick.pm can read/write.
* Made loading `appear' faster.
* Grid outline can be switched on/off by Option/Show Outline menu option.
1999/03/07 Very minor efficiency improvements.
1999/03/08 * Very minor tidying up.
* Modified save of postscript: you now get a dialogue offering
the choice of saving actual size or in the (magnified) size
1999/03/09 * Moved Help menu to right.
* Added code to read .Xdefaults but it doesn't work - maybe this
is a Tk4 problem?
* No longer distribute Tk::ColourChooser.pm and Tk::MesgBox.pm
with Pixmaped.