Revision history for IP-QQWry

0.0.1  Sun Dec  3 21:12:56 2006
       Initial release.
0.0.2  Mon Dec  4
       * return 'unknown' if can't find index.
       * change perlcritic.t test case to be suited for the absence of
         Test::Perl::Critic module.
       - remove require Test::More module in Makefile.PL and Build.PL
         because it's not necessary.
0.0.3  Mon Dec  4 20:05
       * rearrangement for 0.0.2, update POD and comments.
0.0.4  2006-12-05 15:54:04
       + add a simple input checking mechanism.
       * if can't find infomation, return undef rather than 'unknown'
0.0.5  2006-12-06 14:27:07
       + close filehandle if necessary when destructing.
0.0.6  2006-12-23 22:24:17
       + die when database is not provided before query.
0.0.8  2007-01-01 17:44:26
       + sub db_version.
       * require perl 5.8 or later.
       * require Readonly module.