Revision history for Net-Google-Code
0.05 Thu May 14 16:00:07 CST 2009
* load_downloads doesn't parse feed any more, instead, it parses the
downloads list page now.
* added Role/
* removed
0.04 Tue May 12 16:07:09 CST 2009
refactor version.
CAVEAT: this release is not back compatible, the changes are:
* lables are not parsed any more, now they're just an array ref with unparsed
string, e.g. [ 'Pri-2', 'Mstone-X' ]
* no, its related functions are moved to,
see Net::Google::Code::load and Net::Google::Code::parse
* no, see Net::Google::Code::load_downloads and Net::Google::Code::Download
* no see Net::Google::Code::load_wikis, the new Net::Google::Code::Wiki
and Net::Google::Code::Wiki::Comment
0.03 Fri Apr 24 16:08:06 CST 2009
* mostly a bug fix version
added api for Downloads, Wiki and Home
refactor a bit
0.01 Tue Jan 6 10:17:56 CST 2009
Initial release.