Revision history for Shipwright

2.1.2 Mon Feb 23 01:14:14 CST 2009
* don't import a source multiple times in an import cmd.

2.1.1 Mon Feb 23 00:31:36 CST 2009
+ --inc arg for update so we can update inc
* bug fixes

2.1.0 Mon Jan 19 15:15:57 CST 2009
+ Git source support, with prefix "git:"
+ clean @INC when importing and building
+ downgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker so we can use the version in core
+ version cmd
+ import multiple sources support in a single import cmd
+ --graph-deps for maintain cmd, for graphing dependencies
+ --skip-requires, --skip-build-requires, --skip-recommends for maintain cmd
- --keep-requires, --keep-build-requires, --keep-recommends for maintain cmd
- build cmd. it's duplicate and useless
* no mandatory Module::Build requires when importing: we supply one in reporitory's inc/ dir
* we can supply dist names too in --skip args for import cmd
* turn on AUTOMATED_TESTING when building

2.0.1 Mon Jan 19 15:15:57 CST 2009
+ require File::HomeDir

2.0.0 Sun Jan 18 21:10:40 CST 2009
+ branch support
* to add branch support, the layout of vessel source has changed a bit, 
    but 2.0 can work well with old layout in case you have an old vessel source.
+ JEOS build tool to create JEOS images from a vessel
* update cmd now will act as import except with --only-sources
* update cmd can be feeded a new source url
* use version;
* bug fixes

1.16 Wed Nov 12 21:39:58 CST 2008
* clean nearly all the tmp files automatically except log

1.15 Tue Nov 11 19:52:47 CST 2008
+ --skip-recommends and --skip-all-recommends option for import cmd
+ --unreferenced and --check-only option for delete cmd
+ simple setenv bat for window 
* some bug fixes

1.14 Tue Aug 26 16:23:56 CST 2008
* limit versions: perl 5.8.8+, SVK 2+, SVN 1.4+
* CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are added when build
* use Archive::Extract instead of tar cmd to extract compressed files
* some bug fixes
* clean each dist right after each dist is installed
* replace die with confess

1.13 Wed Aug 20 23:11:31 CST 2008
* refactor a bit
* updated tutorial
* not wrap libexec any more

1.12 Thu Aug 14 00:30:16 CST 2008
* clean some test failures

1.10 Tue Aug 12 19:42:52 CST 2008ug 14 00:30:16 CST 2008
* clean some test failures

* added flags support
* added support
* added refs support
* more tests
* more docs
* a lot of bug fixes

1.01 Fri Feb 15 14:30:34 EST 2008

* Fixed indexing of documentation. 
  Added more doc
  Fixed a few cpantesters-reported issues

1.0    Fri Feb 15 03:38:17 CST 2008
       the first public release
0.0.2  Thu Feb  7 09:08:55 CST 2008
       no config any more
0.0.1  Tue Nov 20 16:28:55 2007
       Initial release.