3.0.1 05.02.2015
- changed panda-lib's clone hook CLONE -> HOOK_CLONE, this fixes thread->create under threaded perls
3.0.0 03.02.2015
- Split Panda::Time from Panda::Date to standalone module
2.10 03.02.2015
- bump version to require win32-friendly Panda::Lib/XS/Install
2.9 01.02.2015
- respect threaded builds with NO_GET_CONTEXT
- fix builds when -std=c++11
2.8 04.12.2014
- Bugfix: croak if new/date/set receives bad object (wrong class, etc) instead of core dumping
2.7 20.11.2014
- Bugfix: relative sec/min/hour addition/subtraction
- Embedded zones are updated
- Added clone() method to rel dates and intervals
- Added CLONE hook, for cloning dates, rel dates and intervals via Panda::Lib::clone()
- C++ interface refactor
- docs changes
2.6 21.08.2014
- Bugfix: Creating a date object from another in some cases created corrupted objects
- Set const modifiers for const methods in C++ interface
2.5 29.03.2014
- move to Panda::Install/XS build system, make C/C++ code shared and install headers and payload.
2.4 07.02.2014
- fix building on some platforms
2.3 06.02.2014
- Fix bug with ($date - $number). Returned interval, now returns date
- Better support for perl-32bit-int (now supported dates range is [-2**53, 2**53] instead of [-2**31, 2**31-1])
- removed 'posix/*' timezones as useless (they are copies of /*)
2.2.0 06.02.2014
- Support for MS Windows.
- Support for 32bit systems.
- Support for 32bit perls.
2.1 02.02.2014
- change compiler g++ -> c++
2.0 31.01.2014
- Panda::Date is now built on top of libpanda-time - complete set of POSIX time functions written from scratch.
It now works correctly with all ranges of dates in all timezones and perfomance has been greatly increased.
- Panda::Date objects are now capable of working in different timezones with no perfomance penalty.
- Panda::Date is no longer following POSIX::tzset() timezone. It has it's own tzset() function in Panda::Time.
- Panda::Date comes with its own timezone DB (not used by default).
- set_from in all classes has been renamed to 'set'
- now(), today(), today_epoch(), string_format(), range_check() are now functions only (not a class/object methods).
- methods 'add', 'subtract', etc renamed to 'add_new', 'subtract_new', etc
- methods 'add_me', 'subtract_me', etc renamed to 'add', 'subtract', etc
- month_border_adjust is no longer supported
- added includes() method to P::D::Int class.
- Better Storable hooks implementation (less space, saving timezone info).
- '_year' and '_month' keys in hashes to constructor or clone functions are no longer supported.
1.6 11.03.2013
- fix docs
1.5 15.02.2013
- add mysql() output format
- fix building on threaded perls
1.4 14.02.2013
- SEC, MIN, .., YEAR are now constant objects (read only) to avoid wrong usage
1.3 14.02.2013
- add Storable hooks
1.2 12.02.2013
- fix test for some more platforms
1.1 12.02.2013
- fix test for some platforms
1.0 10.02.2013
- first release