1.3.4  08.04.2021
           - wrapper for perl exceptions
           - function typemap now support threads in threaded perl (typemap-in should be used with caution)
           - add eval / sub eval to svapi
1.3.3  30.10.2020
           - libcatch related bump
1.3.2  19.06.2020
           - fix compilation with new test catch FW
           - ErrorCode::operator& removed, use == instead
           - add is_perl_thread()
           - min perl version is now 5.20 (COP hints are buggy on 5.18) 
1.3.1  17.04.2020
           - fix compilation on threaded perls
1.3.0  15.04.2020
           - add COP hints API
           - add sv.detach_mortal()
1.2.9  24.03.2020
           - add method ErrorCode::contains and operator& as alias
1.2.8  14.02.2020
           - add operator=(nullptr_t) to various SVAPI classes to resolve ambiguity
           - more details on xs::in<TYPE>() failure
1.2.7  16.02.2020
           - remove std::io_errc and std::iostream_category as they are not present on certain systems
           - fix leak in Simple::shared() and Stash::inherit()
           - fix compilation for DragonFly, NetBSD, OpenBSD
1.2.6  07.02.2020
           - fix compilation on mingw/windows: some errc::xxxx constants does not exists on mingw, it is not exported by XS::STL::ErrorCode neither
           - add link to XS::Manifesto
           - change error thread_local stashes
1.2.5  31.01.2020
           - moved to XS::libpanda
1.2.4  24.01.2020
           - moved to Alien::libpanda
1.2.3  22.01.2020
           - fix compilation for Solaris
1.2.2  17.01.2020
           - fix compilation warnings
1.2.1  15.01.2020
           - bug: my_perl alias at global scope was forgotten
1.2.0  30.12.2019
           - my_perl alias at global scope
           - speedup my_perl x7 times until second thread is created
           - attach C++ stacktrace when converting C++ exception to Perl
           - fixed tests for 32bit platforms
           - cookbook provides Makefile.PL skeleton
           - add XS::STL::ErrorCode/ErrorCategory/errc/io_errc/future_errc + typemaps for passing and receiving std::error_code to/from perl
           - XS::ErrorCode class + typemap (panda::ErrorCode)
1.1.9  20.08.2019
           - remove _aTHX _pTHX junk from API (will slow down threaded perl, but who gives a fuck)
1.1.8  15.08.2019
           - Add xs::Io svapi interface + tests
           - various refactorings
1.1.7  02.08.2019
           - Change Hash ilist from tuple to pair
           - fix buggy GCC 4.9
1.1.6  01.08.2019
           - fix very specific bug with creating globs (only perl 5.24.4 debug+threads)
1.1.5  31.07.2019
           - fix very specific bug with creating globs (only perl 5.22.0-5.26.0)
1.1.4  30.07.2019
           - add swap(Sv, Sv)
           - fix 32bit system + 64bit perl test
           - fix building and tests on perls < 5.24
1.1.3  25.07.2019
           - require newer XS::Install
1.1.2  24.07.2019
           - test (function.t) bug fix, require newer XS::Install
           - fix glob.t warnings 'once'
1.1.1  23.07.2019
           - test bug fix
1.1.0  22.07.2019
           - fix compilation errors on clang
           - fix compilation warnings (withc lambda cv capture)
           - std::string_view -> panda::string_view related changes
           - remove call proxy, change sub/stash/object API call to more convenient
             (variadic args, context return type, etc)
           - fix numeric C++ typemaps
1.0.0  12.07.2019
           - rewritten and refactored from Panda::XS
           - add std::map, std::vector and bool typemap's
           - add multi XS support (XS_BOOT helper)
           - BOOT function is also catch-guarded now