Revision history for Perl extension Text::UnicodeTable::Simple
0.08 2013-05-16T04:30:19Z
- Convert Minilla
0.07 2012-10-20
- Bump Module::Install version
0.06 2011-12-31
- Fix spell check test of author tests
- Fix 'add_row_line' document.
0.05 2011-12-04
- Fix dependency.
Required Term::ANSIColor >= 2.01
0.04 2011-11-30
- add 'ansi_color' parameter to constructor
for table cell string which has ANSI color escape sequence
0.03 2011-11-26
- add 'header' parameter to constructor
- add Chinese and Korean sample programs in eg/
0.02 2011-11-17
- add feature 'no border'
- add 'add_rows' method for adding row at one time
0.01 2011-07-01
- original version