Revision history for Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-Usergroup

0.620 Fri  4 Nov 10:35:28 CET 2016

    * Updates for compatibility with plugin v0.620
      - croak unstead of return undef
      - add config3 + schema3.ddl for tests
      - update test script for new tests in plugin

0.600   2016-04-01

    Module is no longer deprecated.
    Reworked to use new Dancer2 plugin2 by SysPete <>.
    Added base tests from Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible.
0.25	2015-12-07
	This module is deprecated.
	It uses plugins in pugins. That is deprecated in Dancer2.

0.24	2015-03-22
	Use realm_dsl

0.23	2015-03-02
	Fix Dancer2 deprecations

0.22	2014-12-17
	Dancer2 version of DPAEPU