Revision history for Perl extension RPN.

0.01  Mon Jul 16 23:08:27 2001
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19

1.00  Mon Jul 16 23:33:00 2001
	- Template filled in and module ready for testing as Math::RPN

1.01  Mon Jul 23 16:25:00 2001
	- Improved documentation and cleaned up some errors in the POD

1.02  Tue Jul 24 21:26:00 2001
	- Made modifications to to try and resolve problems
	  created by differences in rounding on different platforms.

1.03  Wed Jul 25 17:46:00 2001
	- Updated Changes file to include information on 1.01 and 1.02

1.04  Thu Jul 26 08:17:00 2001
	- Modified calling sequence to support standard PERL list passing
	  style so that you can pass any number of scalars in and they
	  will be treated as one big RPN expression.

	- Improved compile efficiency by moving stack checks to subroutine

	- Expanded documentation detail

1.05  Fri Jul 27 15:49:00 2001
	- Added additional mathematical functionality

	- Added XOR as experimental.  Perl's XOR doesn't seem to behave
	  as expected.  As such, XOR isn't tested, but there's a commented
	  out test for it.  If you know what's wrong with PERL XOR, or what
	  I did wrong in the code, please email  Thanks!

	- Enhanced diagnostics

1.06  Sun Jul 29 11:52:00 2001
	- Integrated into SCCS (versions above don't necessarily match,
	  versions below will).

	- Created build directory with SCCS files

	- Created mkdist script to compute version and create file for
	  upload to CPAN.

1.07  Sun Jul 29 12:12:00 2001
	- Added ones-compliment functionality

	- Synchronized ALL files SCCS versions

1.08  Sun Jul 29 12:29:00 2001
	- Should have tested the POD before checking it in.  (!)

1.09 2009.04.22
    - Maintainership received by Gabor Szabo
    - Testing framework changed to Test::More