v0.05 2008.08.17
First stab at autocompletition using Ctrl-P (SZABGAB)
Allow opening files without extensions (on non-ms-windows systems) (SZABGAB)
Cleaning up to comply with perlcritic default settings (ADAMK)
Adding basic "project" support (ADAMK)
Adding Module::Inspector as prereq (ADAMK)
Replace YAML with YAML::Tiny (ADAMK)
Moved bin/padre to script/padre (ADAMK)
Moving all globals into a unified object tree (ADAMK)
Created standalone Padre::Config (ADAMK)
Show the filetpe in the status bar (SZABGAB)
remove Devel::PerlySense as prereq for now (SZABGAB)
List functions of the current file on the right panel (SZABGAB)
Syntax highlighting of more file types (PATSPAM)
v0.04 2008.08.08
add Devel::PerlySense as prereq
stop checking for wx version for now
change the create_makefile_pl to passthrough as the traditional did not do the extra work done by Build.PL
Mark the buffer that is unsaved with a star.
stop saving the content of the loaded file and use GetModify
to find out if the file has been modifyed since last save
* replace the search_term by search_terms in the config file
allow remembering of search terms
replace the text dialog by a full dialog box and a Wx::ComboBox
Setup http://padre.perlide.org/ using trac
Move the repository to http://svn.perlide.org/padre/
v0.03_02 2008.08.03
add experimental code for plugins
add experimental version of Padre::Plugin::PAR
fix the shortcuts of some of the menues in windows, thanks to Octavian Rasnita
replace the AppendSubMenu calls by Append calls to support older version of wxWidgets
v0.03_01 2008.07.31
Experimental code in Build.PL to avoid test failures when wxWidgets is too old.
Added ToolBar
Experimental code to install non-perl files and then use find them using File::ShareDir
v0.03 2008.07.28
Fix many issues reported by Octavian Rasnita
Rename some internal modules to get full indexing
v0.02 2008.07.26
First public release under the name Padre
Slow improvements
Nothing special or ground breaking to mention
v0.01 2008.07.20
First version