package Padre::Util;


=head1 NAME

Padre::Util - Padre Non-Wx Utility Functions


The Padre::Util package is a internal storage area for miscellaneous
functions that aren't really Padre-specific that we want to throw
somewhere it won't clog up task-specific packages.

All functions are exportable and documented for maintenance purposes,
but except for in the Padre core distribution you are discouraged in
the strongest possible terms for relying on these functions, as they
may be moved, removed or changed at any time without notice.



use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter   ();
use FindBin    ();
use File::Spec ();
use List::Util qw(first);
use File::Basename ();
use Carp           ();
use POSIX          ();

our $VERSION = '0.34';
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(newline_type get_matches _T);

# Officially Supported Constants

# Convenience constants for the operating system
use constant WIN32 => !!( $^O eq 'MSWin32' );
use constant MAC   => !!( $^O eq 'darwin' );
use constant UNIX => !( WIN32 or MAC );

# Padre targets the three largest Wx backends
# 1. Win32 Native
# 2. Mac OS X Native
# 3. Unix GTK
# The following defined reusable constants for these platforms,
# suitable for use in Wx platform-specific adaptation code.
# Currently (and a bit naively) we align these to the platforms.
use constant WXWIN32 => WIN32;
use constant WXMAC   => MAC;
use constant WXGTK   => UNIX;

# The local newline type
use constant NEWLINE => WIN32 ? 'WIN' : MAC ? 'MAC' : 'UNIX';

# Miscellaneous Functions


=head2 newline_type

  my $type = newline_type( $string );

Returns None if there was not CR or LF in the file.

Returns UNIX, Mac or Windows if only the appropriate newlines were found.

Returns Mixed if line endings are mixed.


sub newline_type {
	my $text = shift;

	my $CR   = "\015";
	my $LF   = "\012";
	my $CRLF = "\015\012";

	return "None" if not defined $text;
	return "None" if $text !~ /$LF/ and $text !~ /$CR/;
	return "UNIX" if $text !~ /$CR/;
	return "MAC"  if $text !~ /$LF/;

	$text =~ s/$CRLF//g;
	return "WIN" if $text !~ /$LF/ and $text !~ /$CR/;

	return "Mixed";


=head2 get_matches


* The text in which we need to search

* The regular expression

* The offset within the text where we the last match started
  so the next forward match must start after this.

* The offset within the text where we the last match ended
  so the next backward match must end before this.

* backward bit (1 = search backward, 0 = search forward)


sub get_matches {
	my ( $text, $regex, $from, $to, $backward ) = @_;
	die "missing parameters" if @_ < 4;

	use Encode;
	$text = Encode::encode( 'utf-8', $text );

	my @matches;

	while ( $text =~ /$regex/g ) {
		my $e = pos($text);
		my $s = $e - length($&);
		push @matches, [ $s, $e ];

	my $pair;
	if ($backward) {
		$pair = first { $to > $_->[1] } reverse @matches;
		if ( not $pair and @matches ) {
			$pair = $matches[-1];
	} else {
		$pair = first { $from < $_->[0] } @matches;
		if ( not $pair and @matches ) {
			$pair = $matches[0];

	my ( $start, $end );
	( $start, $end ) = @$pair if $pair;

	return ( $start, $end, @matches );


=head2 _T

This is the shorthand of Wx::gettext('some text to translate')

Specifically to be used for strings that you want to
delay translation until later, so that the translation
tools can find it.


sub _T {

# Developer-Only Functions

# This is pretty hacky
sub svn_directory_revision {
	my $dir = shift;

	# Find the entries file
	my $entries = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, '.svn', 'entries' );
	return unless -f $entries;

	# Find the headline revision
	local $/ = undef;
	open( my $fh, "<", $entries ) or return;
	my $buffer = <$fh>;

	# Find the first number after the first occuranc
	# of "dir".
	unless ( $buffer =~ /\bdir\b\s+(\d+)/m ) {
		return undef;

	# Quote this to prevent certain aliasing bugs
	return "$1";

# Shared Resources

sub share {
	return File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin, File::Spec->updir, 'share' ) if $ENV{PADRE_DEV};
	if ( defined $ENV{PADRE_PAR_PATH} ) {

		# File::ShareDir new style path
		my $path = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{PADRE_PAR_PATH}, 'inc', 'auto', 'share', 'dist', 'Padre' );
		return $path if -d $path;

		# File::ShareDir old style path
		$path = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{PADRE_PAR_PATH}, 'inc', 'share' );
		return $path if -d $path;

	# rely on automatic handling of everything
	require File::ShareDir::PAR;
	return File::ShareDir::PAR::dist_dir('Padre');

sub sharedir {
	File::Spec->catdir( share(), @_ );

sub sharefile {
	File::Spec->catfile( share(), @_ );

sub find_perldiag_translations {
	my %languages;
	foreach my $path (@INC) {
		my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $path, 'POD2' );
		next if not -e $dir;
		if ( opendir my $dh, $dir ) {
			while ( my $lang = readdir $dh ) {
				next if $lang eq '.' or $lang eq '..';
				if ( -e File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $lang, 'perldiag.pod' ) ) {
					$languages{$lang} = 1;
	return sort keys %languages;


=head2 get_project_dir

Given a file it will try to locate the root directory 
of the given project. This is a temporary work around till
we get full project support but it is used by some (SVK)


sub get_project_dir {
	my $filename = shift;
	return unless $filename;

	# check for potential relative path on filename
	if ( $filename =~ m{\.\.} ) {
		require Cwd;
		$filename = Cwd::realpath($filename);
	my $olddir = File::Basename::dirname($filename);
	my $dir    = $olddir;
	while (1) {

		#		print "DIR: $olddir\n     $dir\n";
		return $dir if -e File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'Makefile.PL' );
		return $dir if -e File::Spec->catfile( $dir, 'Build.PL' );
		$olddir = $dir;
		$dir    = File::Basename::dirname($dir);

		last if $olddir eq $dir;

	my $logging;
	my $trace;

	sub set_logging {
		$logging = shift;

	sub set_trace {
		$trace = shift;

	sub debug {
		return if not $logging;

		my $ts = POSIX::strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime() );
		print STDERR "$ts - @_\n";
		if ($trace) {
			print STDERR Carp::longmess();
		} else {
			my ( $package, $filename, $line ) = caller;

			#$filename =~ s{.*/Padre/}{Padre/};
			print STDERR "           in line $line of $filename\n";

package Px;

use constant {
	PADRE_BLACK    => 0,
	PADRE_BLUE     => 1,
	PADRE_RED      => 2,
	PADRE_GREEN    => 3,
	PADRE_BROWN    => 8,



=head1 SUPPORT

See the support section of the main L<Padre> module.


Copyright 2008-2009 The Padre development team as listed in

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.


# Copyright 2008-2009 The Padre development team as listed in
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.