Revision history for Padre-Plugin-Parrot

0.24 2009.07.23
	- removed taint mode for tests, leading to build failures (jquelin)
	- move the pbc based syntax highlighting from the Perl 6 plugin to 
	  the Parrot plugin (szabgab)
    - Allow highlighting of Ruby files via Cardinal

0.23    2009.02.18
	- Upgrade to Padre 0.26 Plugin API

0.22    2008.12.21
	- Moved Document::PASM and Document::PIR from Padre
	- Make sure Parrot::Embed can work (with a workaround for the
	  case when the plugin is reloaded)

0.16    2008.11.09
	- Moved to its own distribution
	- Checking if Parrot::Embed is available

	- First version, released on an unsuspecting world as part of Padre.