History for Term::ReadPassword::Win32


    - Avoid including the MYMETA files (#91253)
    - Move Japanese POD document to lib/POD2. (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
    - Convert encoding to UTF-8, added =encoding POD header. :w(Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
      (also GĂ©raud CONTINSOUZAS)

0.03  2012.09.04

    - Fix RT 79144 - listing prerequistes in Makefile.PL
    -     RT 65402 - probably fixed by avove
    - Fix RT 19070 - now restoring STDIN
    - Reogranize directory layout
    - use Test::More
    - New maintainer: Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

0.02  2005.12.20

    - The namespace and the function name were changed.
      Term::ReadPasswd::read_passwd -> Term::ReadPassword::Win32::read_password

0.01  2005.12.18

    - The function name ReadPasswd was changed to read_passwd.

0.00  2005/12/15

    - The first release.