Revision history for Exporter-Handy
1.000004 2023-05-29 07:41:48+00:00 UTC TABULO
- exporter_export() now accepts an alternate notation for defining tags
':' => { tag1 => [qw(bla blo)], tag2 => [qw(bar baz)] },
- expand_tags() now accepts a shorthand for expanding ALL tags.
expand_tags(\%EXPORT_TAGS, \'*')
1.000003 2023-05-28 21:33:04+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Avoid exporting xtags() and friends directly from <Exporter::Handy> (which was previously the case, though undocumented)
- Code and POD clean-up.
1.000002 2023-05-28 02:28:03+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Avoid ambiguity between curried and raw versions of xtags() and expand_xtags()
1.000001 2023-05-28 02:20:11+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Allow import options for xtags() and expand_xtags() when exported from Exporter::Handy
1.000000 2023-05-28 01:31:39+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Bump version to 1.0 (because of a previous typo that gave way to "0.200.1" which is kind of odd)
0.200001 2023-05-28 01:27:39+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Replace <List::Util> with <List::Util::MaybeXS>, which allows atomatic fallback to latest pure perl versions of some functions on older versions of Perl
0.200000 2023-05-25 21:53:21+00:00 UTC TABULO
- Fix xtags() and add some tests
0.001000 2023-05-21 02:15:40+00:00 UTC TABULO
- First version, unleashed on an unsuspecting world.