Revision history for Perl extension Text-Sprintf-Zenkaku

0.07 2016-10-04T15:04:34Z

    - Support 'complex width pattern'
    - Fix encoding issue when run 'prove' cmd

0.06 2016-09-29T10:53:09Z

    - Fix failed tests
    - Change support perl version to greater than or equal to 5.10

0.05 2016-09-28T16:20:27Z

    - CPAN it

0.04 2016-09-28T16:10:44Z

    - Support complex patterns

0.03 2016-09-22T04:14:36Z

    - Rename module name to Text::Sprintf::Zenkaku

0.02 2016-09-22T03:17:48Z

    - original version